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时间:2024-01-22 09:04:23 作者:追梦抓梦 来源:网友分享


































栏目主编:顾泳 文字编辑:黄杨子



比如在The Hermine [1979] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 212 (C.A.)案中,Unitramp(以下简称“出租人”)与Garnac Grain Co.Inc.(以下简称“承租人”)在 1973年5月17日以巴尔的摩C格式签订了一份三个航次的合同,船由出租人提名委派。第一次航次的受载期是1973年11月15日到1973年12月26日。在1973年11月30日,出租人委派Hermine轮去执行该航次任务。该轮能够在35英尺10.5英寸的淡水吃水中运载29,532长吨的粮食,并且承租人要求装载满舱满载货物。

该租船合同条规定:1/2个安全泊位,1个安全美湾港口,New Orleans,

Destrehan, Ama, Myrtle Grove Reserve,算作1个港口。

. . . one (1)/two (2) safe berths, one (1) safe port U.S. Gulf . . . understood New Orleans, Destrehan, Ama, Myrtle Grove Reserve, count as one (1) port.


Destrehan位于密西西比河上,距离公海约140海里。从Destrehan开航,Hermine不得不沿着河流穿过SW Pass,这是一条经过冲刷和挖掘的通道。根据一年中的时间,河流的速度以及疏浚机构的能源和资源,渠道的深度不时变化。当局每天发布一份控制吃水,这代表了建议的最大深度基于淡水的装载吃水,无论潮汐如何。


造成延误的原因是(1)1月27日0045到1月31日的0530由于拥堵;其主要原因是严重大雾,限制了在密西西比河通行;2)1月31日0530 到2月4日1800之间,是由于Texaco Florida轮偏离航道在SW Pass搁浅,堵塞了航道通行;(3)从2月4日0800到2月24日,由于缺水导致可航吃水减少到34英尺6英寸,导致船舶无法航行;(4)从2月24日到3月5日,Mary Lou轮在入口处搁浅。


出租人找承租人索赔由于缺水造成的延误以及由于Mary Lou轮搁浅造成的延误,这是延误的直接后果。

争议被提交仲裁, 仲裁员在一个非常漫长而细致的裁决中得出的结论是,Destrehan不是一个不安全的港口,并且在一定程度上可以观察到这一点。




但仲裁员拒绝了出租人的索赔,他们在法院的裁决中说明了法律问题。考虑到阐明的法律权威,一致认为,在指定时和Hermine轮挂靠Destrehan时,Destrehan港是租船合同意义上的安全港口。但是以法院意见的特殊案件的形式表明了他们的裁决,法院需要裁决法律问题是:无论是根据事实认定还是租船合同的真正解释,出租人都有权获得 1974年2月4日1800至1974年3月5日1348之间对船舶开始航程延误的损害赔偿。








-Held, by Q.B. (Com. Ct.) (DONALDSON, J.), that (1) it was well settled law that a port was safe if the vessel could reach it, use it and leave it without, in the absence of some abnormal occurrence, being exposed to danger which could not be avoided by good navigation and seamanship.

(2) the charterers' sole right under a contract in the terms of this charter-party was to nominate a safe port and in nominating a port under the charter, the charterers impliedly warranted that it was a safe port; the warranty was absolute but contained within itself the qualification in relation to abnormal occurrences.

(3) the charter by its terms required the owner to give the charterer something of a blank cheque in that he could not consider the merits or demerits of the port at which he was ordered to load or discharge before he accepted the charter; the qualification that the delay should not be of such a degree as to frustrate the adventure could not be right and the degree could best be defined as delay which would be commercially unacceptable to a reasonable owner of a ship of the type concerned at the time when the charter-party was concluded;

(4) if the arbitrators had applied the correct test, they would have concluded that Destrehan was not a safe port; the submission that the proximate cause of the delay complained of was congestion and not lack of safety in the port was wholly fallacious in that the warranty was not that the port was safe if it was uncongested, it was that it was safe, Destrehan was not a safe port and the owners were therefore entitled to recover damages from the charterers;

(5) the question of law would be answered by holding that the owners were entitled to damages in respect of the delay to the vessel in prosecuting her voyage between 18 00 hours on Feb. 4, and 13 48 hours on Mar. 5, 1974.

Award remitted to arbitrators.



上诉法院的Roskill勋爵(当时是)认为该法院再次被要求考虑一个特定港口不安全的指控引起的问题,出问题的港口是密西西比州大约140英里的Destrehan。特定港口或泊位是安全还是不安全的概念是 - 或者至少应该是简单的-因为租船合同中的这种安全保证的主要目的是确保承租人具有其他不受约束的权利指定港口或泊位,不以危及出租人的船舶,或者可能是出租人的雇员的生命,通过将船舶或那些生命置于危险中并由此施加在船上或泊位上的方式出租人有经济损失的风险。对租船人指定权的这种限制对出租人至关重要,因为根据运输合同的条款,无论是期租合同还是承租合同,出租人都与承租人签订,也就是说,只要这些指示符合租船合同条款,他们的雇员船长,高级船员和船员就会遵守承租人的命令的承诺。Roskill勋爵认为,这个概念应该很简单,但不幸的是,它的简单性导致了许多决定,这些决定曾一度对安全保证的确切含义和范围提出了相当大的质疑。因此,每次出现不安全港口或不安全泊位的问题时,显然有必要为了确定法律,在上个世纪和现在进行多项决定。令人高兴的是,情况已经不复存在了。由于在本案例中所谓的20世纪50年代的决策三部曲,Roskill勋爵认为正如他冒昧地想的那样,法律现在很明显,至少就这些案件所说的而言。

第一个是Compania Naviera Maropan S.A. v.Bowaters Lloyd Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd.,[1955] 2 Q.B.68案。在该案中通常所涉及的船为The Stork,这是Devlin法官(当时是)在本法院确认的决定(见[1955] 1 Lloyd's Rep.349)。该案件在将要提及的澳大利亚高等法院提交的案件的审理和枢密院的听证会之间决定的。Devlin法官和本法院均表示强烈倾向于后者的澳大利亚首席大法官Owen Dixon爵士的反对判决,并且反对判决随后在本院The Stock案中作出决定后不久得到批准,Smith Line Ltd. v. Australian Wheat Board, [1956] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 1; [1956] A.C. 266, 即著名的The Houston City案,到达了枢密院。

第三个案件是Pearson法官(当时他是)的决定,在本法院确认,Leeds Shipping Co. Ltd.v. SociétéFran‡aise Bunge [1958] 2 Lloyd's Rep.127,The Eastern案。本法院适用了刚才提到的两个案件所确定的法律。

Roskill勋爵认为如果他可以恭敬地称之为法律的现状,那么经典陈述就是Sellers勋爵在The Eastern City案中在第131页右手栏所说:



The classic statement, if I may respectfully so call it, of the present state of the law is that of Lord Justice Sellers at p. 131 in the righthand colum in The Eastern City:

If it were said that a port will not be safe unless, in the relevant period of time, the particular ship can reach it, use it and return from it without, in the absence of some abnormal occurrence, being exposed to danger which cannot be avoided by good navigation and seamanship, it would probably meet all circumstances as a broad statement of the law. Most, if not all, navigable rivers, channels, ports, harbours and berths have some dangers from tides, currents, swells, banks, bars or revetments. Such dangers are frequently minimised by lights, buoys, signals, warnings and other aids to navigation and can normally be met and overcome by proper navigation and handling of a vessel in accordance with good seamanship . . .

That is the latest statement of the law. We are bound by it. If I may say so, I respectfully agree with it, and that is the case which in my judgment should be applied in the present case.


Accordingly it is now quite unnecessary, in these unsafe port or unsafe berth cases, to refer back to the multitude of earlier decisions, notwithstanding repeated attempts by Counsel so to do, which we have strongly discouraged in the present case. There is the law clearly stated. What has to be determined by the tribunal of fact in each case is whether, on the particular facts, the particular warranty of safety has or has not been broken.

针对本案的租船合同条款,Roskill勋爵认为毫无疑问对最终提名的船舶装载港有明确的安全保证。Roskill勋爵认为如刚才所说的那样,Destrehan就在密西西比河中,而众所周知,密西西比河是一条具有某些特征的河流,相关的一条河流不时会淤积,而且淤泥可能使船只无法到达其上游港口,而且已经到达的船舶可能无法在他们希望的情况下返回公海。Roskill勋爵认为正如他所说,这艘船被命令前往Destrehan。该轮于1月18日抵达河流三角洲,于1974年1月21日或22日抵达Destrehan。为了到达上游港口该轮必须经过所谓的SW Pass。这是Hermine轮这种大小的船舶可以通过上游港口上下移动的唯一通道。事实上,被告知-但认为这不重要-当该轮到达SW Pass大约13天后,又花了三天才到达Destrehan。但在1月21日或22日,该轮到达了指定港口。在那里考虑了一些,该轮装载了一个满舱满载的货物。没有加载该轮可能装载的满载货物,毫无疑问是考虑到吃水。但是,如果没有正确履行其在此租船合同下的装载义务,则不会提出任何投诉。该轮在1974年1月27日0045完成装载,装了28,074吨大豆,淡水吃水为35英尺1英寸。该轮远低于租船合同第23条款中规定的最大吃水深度38英尺。如果该轮满载,吃水将是35英尺10英寸,当时完成装载时河里的控制吃水是36英尺。所以-并且在案件的一个方面,这是重要的-如果该轮在装载完成后立即沿着河流开到公海,那么在航行到欧洲时都不会有任何困难。但不幸的是,装载完成后有两个延迟时间。第一次是1月27日0045至1月31日0530;第二次是从1月31日的0530到2月4日的1800。Roskill勋爵认为不需要说明这两个延迟时间之后的事情,并不是说承租人在任何方面都不应该因为这个延误而受到责备。

Roskill勋爵认为1月30日-这很重要-船舶从河流下来到Pilot Town,位于SW Pass上方,距离大海约25英里,距离Destrehan约115英里。当该轮到达那里时,密西西比河淤塞,就像所说的那样,是那条河流的地方性灾害,已经发生了,那年发生的淤塞比平时早发生了。因此,当该轮到达Pilot Town时,无法继续沿着河流前进。由于控制吃水已经减少到34英尺6英寸以下,持续20天,从1974年2月4日至24日的1800,该轮仍然无法继续往下游开。最终,由于采取了措施,该轮有可能继续沿着河流前行,但另一艘船Mary Lou轮的搁浅又造成了延误,被耽搁了10天。最终,该轮在1974年3月5日中午,才离开密西西比河。

出租人找承租人索赔延误赔偿,而索赔金额非常大,涉及这两个期间,20天和10天,共计30天;而且,提出索赔的唯一方式是作为对违反明确的安全保证的损害索赔。无论是否因违反租船合同的其他一些隐含条款而提出索赔,Roskill勋爵认为都不会停下来考虑,它仅用于违反明确的安全保证。据说有违反此明示保证的行为,因为承租人在保证期内实际承诺,当船舶驶入Pilot Town时,由于缺水,可以在那里顺利航行,并且到达大海,因为船舶无法这样做,出租人遭受了承租人承担责任的损害。

Roskill勋爵认为在这一点上应该提一下,这艘船在任何时候都不会遭受任何物理损坏。该争议以及未涉及的某些其他争议已提交给租船合同仲裁。这两位仲裁员是著名的波罗的海仲裁员Selwyn及Kazantzis先生,他们任命Staughton Q.C.为首席裁判员。但是,在这种情况下,两位仲裁员同意Staughton Q.C.不参与裁决。




In the present case I do not find it necessary to express any concluded view on this point. Suffice it to say that I do find it a little curious that a port should be condemned as unsafe in the circumstances in which this ship came to be delayed, but I do not rest my decision upon that point. Some of the problems to which Grace gives rise may, at some future date, have to be reconsidered in relation to a case such as the present in connection with an up-river port which has hitherto been physically perfectly safe, but the present is not such a case, for with very great respect to the learned Judge I have come to the conclusion that he reached the wrong conclusion on the principal point-what he called the real issue argued before him.

I have already sufficiently indicated the nature of that dispute: Is it enough for the delay to be \"commercially unacceptable\" or has the

delay got to be of a frustrating nature before the owner can complain of it as creating a breach of the warranty of safety?

I confess that I find the phrase \"commercially unacceptable\" a rather difficult concept because I am uncertain by what standards that test falls to be applied. Do you apply it from the point of view only of the shipowner or of the charterer as well? If it means that if the shipowners appreciated the possibility of this delay they would not have entered into a charter-party in these terms, that may well be so. Contracts are often entered into without the parties appreciating possible results that may arise if certain events happen. But the fact that something may, with hindsight, be commercially unacceptable does not of itself involve that there has been a breach of contract.

毫无疑问,近年来,当考虑到延误问题时,例如在这种情况下出现的延误问题,并且在租船人未能提供任何货物装载的情况下,承认出租人无权寻求取消合同,除非并且直到由于未能提供货物而造成的延误是为了冒险落空。阐明该原则的经典案例是Universal Cargo Carriers'Corporation v. Citati,[1957] 2 Lloyd's Rep.191; [1957] 2 Q.B案。但是,在法院大法官Devlin的判决很久之前,这个问题在本法院不止一次得到批准,SS Knutsford Ltd.v.Tillmanns&Co.[1908] AC 406也出现了类似的问题。同样的案例Channell法官在Tillmanns Co.v. SS Knutsford,[1908] 1 KB185案之前报道[1908] 2 K.B. 385 -这是重要的-在上诉法院。事实很简单,该船从Middlesbrough前往日本运送货物。然后前往Vladivostock,当时Vladivostok被冰封了,当船舶离Vladivostok 40英里范围内时,由于冰块,船舶无法进入港口。担心船舶的螺旋桨可能会被冰损坏,试了三天才穿过冰,然后回到了长崎。然后,根据出租人的命令,在那里卸货。但是第二天冰块被清除了:进入Vladivostok是安全的,其他船舶能够进入。出租人在被承租人起诉时寻求证明他们在长崎卸货的行为是合理的,而不是等待并根据条款前往Vladivostok;但如果船长认为在战争,干扰或任何其他原因导致货物在其他港口卸货,船舶的入口和卸货不安全。出租人的请求在所有三个法庭都失败了。它受到了Channell法官的拒绝,在本法院被强烈拒绝,并且在贵族院的临时陈述中被进一步拒绝。Kennedy勋爵在案中说:


There has been, without doubt, a tendency in recent years, when considering problems of delay such as arise in this case and have arisen where a charterer had failed to supply any cargo to load, to hold that the owner is not entitled to seek to rescind the contract unless and until the delay occasioned by the failure to supply a cargo is such as to frustrate the adventure. The classic case which enunciated that principle is Universal Cargo Carriers' Corporation v. Citati, [1957] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 191; [1957] 2 Q.B. 401. But long before that decision of Mr. Justice Devlin, which has been more than once approved in this Court, a rather similar problem arose in S.S. Knutsford Ltd. v. Tillmanns & Co., [1908] A.C. 406. The same case is reported before Mr. Justice Channell as Tillmanns Co. v. S.S. Knutsford, [1908] 1 K.B. 185 and-and this is what matters-in the Court of Appeal in [1908] 2 K.B. 385. The facts were very . The vessel went from Middlesbrough to Japan to deliver her cargo. She then sailed for Vladivostok. Vladivostok, at that time, was ice bound, and when the vessel got within 40 miles of Vladivostok she could not get into port because of the ice. She feared that her propeller might be damaged by ice. She tried for three days to get through the ice and then went back to Nagasaki. Then, following orders from her owners, she there discharged her cargo. But the next day the ice cleared: access to Vladivostok was safe and other vessels were able to get in. The owners sought, when sued by the charterers, to justify their action in discharging at Nagasaki instead of waiting and going to Vladivostok under a clause which provided that should the entry and discharge at the port be deemed by the master unsafe in consequences of war, disturbance or any other cause the cargo could be discharged at some other port. That plea by the shipowners failed in all three tribunals. It was rejected by Mr. Justice Channell, it was emphatically rejected in this Court, and it was further rejected in the House of Lords in extempore speeches. I will quote from the reserved judgment of Lord Justice Kennedy (at p. 407), the third judgment in this Court:

. . . Inaccessibility is a question of fact . . . For example, inaccessibility might be one thing for a steamer and another thing for a sailing ship, but, subject to that, it is a fact relating to the conditions existing which affect the entrance of a vessel-the access of the vessel to the port for which she is destined; and it means, as it appears to me, either something which is a permanent obstacle to access, or, if the nature of the obstacle is not absolutely permanent, inaccessibility means an impossibility of access in respect of the duration of time which is so far lasting as to make the delay of the ship until the obstacle shall have ceased to exist a delay which would practically and in a mercantile sense frustrate the adventure . . .

那位非常杰出的商业律师的声明说,除非由于Vladivostok的冰所造成的延误使得冒险落空,船长和出租人没有理由在另一个港口卸货。出租人的代表律师辩称,这段陈述尚未得到贵族院的批准,并且贵族院已经取代了其他一些测试,并且通过Chancellor勋爵,Loreburn勋爵所使用的短语“过度延迟”或其他博学的法律勋爵用其他短语来表示其他内容。Roskill勋爵认为Macnaghten勋爵所说,Channell法官和上诉法院的判决是正确的。正如所说的那样,这些是临时陈述,在Roskill勋爵看来,除了辩论之外,贵族院批准了上诉法院所说的话。如果他们打算以非常明确的方式运用与Kennedy大法官所宣布的测试不同的东西,不能怀疑委员会如此清楚地说出来,相反,他们没有。然后说:哦,这是一个与现在完全不同的情况,因为这是出租人试图证明在另一个港口卸货的理由;而本案的情况是被认为一个涉嫌违反安全保证。在Roskill勋爵看来,在商业法领域,在考虑延迟后果的问题的情况下,原则上应尽可能适用相同的测试。就像刚才所说的那样,现在是自Citati案件以来的明确法律,即出租人不能抛出租船合同仅仅因为(使用这里特殊情况下使用的短语)“商业上不可接受的延迟”,也就是说,延迟超过合理的时间。这种情况的延迟必须在他寻求撤销并将承租人的行为视为对承租人的承担义务的否定之前,这样才会使冒险落空。Roskill勋爵认为如果可以恭敬地这样说,那么这个决定似乎完全符合他的观点,Kennedy大法官在Tillmanns v.Knutsford案中的观点,正如已经说过的那样,这一观点得到了贵族院的批准。

I read that statement by that very distinguished commercial lawyer as saying that unless the delay caused by the ice at Vladivostok had been such as to frustrate the adventure the master and the owners were not justified in discharging that cargo at an alternative port. Mr. Diamond argued that that passage had not been approved by the House of Lords, and that the House had substituted some other test, and meant something else by the phrase used by Lord Loreburn, Lord Chancellor, \"inordinate delay\" or by other phrases used by the other learned law Lords. I draw attention to the fact that Lord Macnaghten said that the judgments of Mr. Justice Channell and the Court of Appeal were quite right. These, as I have said, were extempore speeches, and it seems to me beyond argument (with all respect to Mr. Diamond) that the House approved what had been said by the Court of Appeal. Had they intended to apply something different from the test enunciated by Lord Justice Kennedy in such very clear terms I cannot doubt that their Lordships would have said so clearly; on the contrary, they did not.

It is then said: \"Oh, that was a very different case from the present, because that was an attempt by the owners to justify discharge of cargo at an alternative port, whereas the present is a case where the ship is held up through an alleged breach of warranty of safety\". It seems to me that, in this field of commercial law, where questions of the consequences of delay are under consideration, it is desirable that, in principle, the same tests should be applicable wherever possible. It is now, as I said a few moments ago, clear law since the Citati case that a shipowner cannot throw up a charter-party

merely because there has been (to use the phrase used in the special case here) \"commercially unacceptable delay\", that is to say, delay exceeding a reasonable time. The delay in such a case must, before he can seek to rescind and treat the charterer's conduct as a repudiation of the charterer's obligation to load, be such as will frustrate the adventure. That decision seems to me to be wholly in line, if I may respectfully say so, with Lord Justice Kennedy's view in Tillmanns v. Knutsford, a view which, as I have already said, was approved by the House of Lords.

法院面临与McNair法官在Vancouver Strike([1952] 2 Lloyd's Rep.229)案中一个相当类似的问题,在本法院的Reardon Smith Line Ltd.v. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food,[1961] 1 Lloyd's Rep.385; [1962] 1 Q.B案,那些是非常复杂的案件并提出了许多观点。当然,出租人的代表律师说当时没有出现过安全保证的问题。但有人提出争论的其中一个问题是承租人是否违反了指定港口的情况-在Vancouver案,当有人认为,在合理的时间内罢工没有前景时,这是罢工的;律师依据上诉人的不安全港口或不安全的泊位案件。 Tillmanns诉Knutsford,我刚才提到的,是论证中提到的案件之一。与McNair法官一样,该法院毫不犹豫地拒绝了这一论点。据说,在可以说涉及违反承租人违规行为之前的延误,必定是足已落空的延误。Willmer勋爵最充分地论述了这一点,学识渊博的大法官说:

考虑到这些非常明确的权威,我认为,只有当阻碍或障碍物具有相当程度的持久性时,才能暗示对承租人指定装货港的自由有任何限制。那么,要判断障碍物的持久性的标准是什么呢?出租人认为,如果以任何速度进行罢工,只要使船舶受到不合理的延误就足够了。另一方面,承租人表示,任何足以阻碍航行商业目标的障碍都会剥夺他们提名自己选择的港口的权利。在这个问题上,我毫不怀疑承租人是对的。如果出租人的争论是正确的,那么用什么尺度来衡量延误的不合理性是否会使航行的商业目标受挫?另一方面,承租人的争用提供了一个公认的测试,尽管无疑是对一个特定案件的事实申请并不总是容易的。而且,我认为,它得到了权威的充分支持。在S.S. Knutsford Ltd. v.Tillmanns&Co.,我已经提到过,检验标准表明是“过度延迟”。

A rather similar problem faced this Court, as it had faced Mr. Justice McNair, in the Vancouver Strike cases ([1952] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 229), reported in this Court as Reardon Smith Line Ltd. v. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, [1961] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 385; [1962] 1 Q.B. 42. Those were highly complex cases, and many points were argued. Mr. Diamond was, of course, right when he said that no question of a warranty of safety arose in that case. But one of the many points which were argued was whether the charterers were in breach in nominating a port-in that case Vancouver-which was strike bound when there was no prospect, it was argued, of the strike ending in a reasonable time; the unsafe port or the unsafe berth cases were relied upon by Counsel for the appellants. Tillmanns v. Knutsford, to which I have just referred, was among those cases referred to in the argument. This Court, like Mr. Justice McNair, had no hesitation in rejecting that argument. It was said that the delay, before it could be said to involve any breach by the charterers, must be a frustrating delay. The point is most fully dealt with in the judgment of Lord Justice Willmer in a passage at pp. 420 and 112. The learned Lord Justice said:

. . . Having regard to these very clear authorities I am of the opinion that any limitation on the charterers' to nominate the loading port can be implied only where the block or obstruction is something of a substantial degree of permanence. What, then, is the test by which the permanence of the obstacle is to be judged? The shipowners contend that, in the case of a strike at any rate, it is sufficient if it is such as to subject the ship to unreasonable delay. The charterers, on the other hand, say that nothing short of an obstruction sufficient to frustrate the commercial object of the voyage can deprive them of the right to nominate the port of their choice. On this issue I entertain no doubt that the charterers are right. If the shipowners' contention be right, by what yardstick is one to measure the unreasonableness of delay which falls short of frustrating the commercial object of the voyage? The charterers' contention, on the other hand, furnishes a well recognised test, though doubtless one that it will not always be easy to apply on the facts of a given case. Moreover, it is, I think, well supported by authority. In S.S. Knutsford Ltd. v. Tillmanns & Co., to which I have already referred, the test suggested was that of \"inordinate delay\".

Roskill勋爵认为在他看来,学识渊博的大法官在那里明显地对贵族院关于Kennedy勋爵的法律陈述的看法有着同样的看法,正如冒险做的那样。主审法官Sellers勋爵也说了同样的话,他的判决中的段落将在同一报告中的第407-409页和第87-90页中找到。因此,有一个难以接近的案件,如Knutsford v.Tillmanns。这些提名案件的延迟是与Vancouver Strike案件无关的安全问题。Roskill勋爵认为该法院和他认为Knutsford v.Tillmanns也是贵族院,已经表示,确定延迟是否足以证明有关出租人争辩的结果的管辖标准必须是这样的延迟,这将使商业冒险落空。

现在,在本案仲裁员面前,共同点是没有这种落空的延迟。在仲裁中为出租人出庭的代表律师承认(如果我可以这么说的话)这就是这个立场。因此,在仲裁员面前,在学识渊博的法官和本法院面前,如果必要的标准延迟会导致出租人必须失败的冒险,那么它就是共同点。在Roskill勋爵看来,原因与Willmer勋爵在Vancouver Strike案件中给出的原因相同,如果你用其他任何标准代替落空,你会使用一个在任何特定情况下都难以适用的尺度。您如何判断特定延迟是否在商业上不可接受?Roskill勋爵认为对于承租人来说,如果他不急于他的货物,并且如果他不需要向出租人支付延误费用,那么这对商业上来说是完全可以接受的。这些问题不能单方面地为一方的利益来判断。合同有两方,其共同权利和义务必须参照合同中明确或默示约定的方式确定。正如出租人代表律师所说的那样,根据任何特定情况的事实,可能很难确定延迟是否属于这种情况,而法律的这一部门知道困难。它是落空学说中固有的,因为它是本世纪由我们的法院发展起来的。



It seems to me that the learned Lord Justice is there plainly taking the same view of what the House of Lords thought about Lord Justice Kennedy's statement of the law as I have ventured to do.

Lord Justice Sellers, who gave the first judgment, said very much the same thing. The passage in his judgment will be found at pp. 407-409 and 87-90 in the same reports.

Thus one has the inaccessibility cases such as Knutsford v. Tillmanns. Thus one has the delay these nomination cases not connected with safety such as the Vancouver Strike cases. This Court, and (as I think) in Knutsford v. Tillmanns also the House of Lords, has said that the governing test determining whether the delay is sufficient to justify the result for which the shipowners concerned contended must be such delay as will frustrate the commercial adventure.

Now it was common ground before the arbitrators in the present case that there was no such frustrating delay. We are told that Mr. Diamond, who appeared for the shipowners in the arbitration, conceded (if I may say so very properly) that that was the position. Accordingly it has been common ground before the arbitrators, before the learned Judge and in this Court that if the requisite test was of a delay which would frustrate the adventure the shipowners must fail. It seems to me for the same reasons as those which Lord Justice Willmer gave in the Vancouver Strike cases, that if you substitute any other test than frustration you use a yardstick which is extremely difficult to apply in any given case. How do you judge whether a particular delay is commercially unacceptable? It may be perfectly acceptable commercially to the charterer if he is in no hurry for his cargo and if he does not have to pay the shipowner for the delay. These matters cannot be judged unilaterally in the interests of one party only. There are two parties to the contract and their mutual rights and obligations have to be determined by reference to that upon which they have expressly or impliedly agreed in their contract. It is true, as Mr. Diamond said, that on the facts of any given case it may be difficult to determine whether delay is of such a with this branch of the law knows the difficulty. It is inherent in the doctrine of frustration as it has been developed in this century by our Courts.

I see no reason why one should apply a different test, in the circumstances with which we are concerned, from that which has been enunciated in the various classes of case in the authorities to which I have already referred. Therefore, with very great respect to the learned Judge, I think he was wrong in the conclusion which he reached. I think that the arbitrators properly interpreted the authorities and, on those authorities, I think they were right in reaching the conclusion that Destrehan was not an unsafe port.

I would therefore answer the question asked of the Court: \"No\". I would allow the appeal, set aside the order of Mr. Justice Donaldson, and uphold the award of the two very experienced arbitrators.

Geoffrey Lane勋爵认为他也有同样的看法,希望在尊重这位学识渊博的法官时加上他自己的几句话,在这件事上,他们非常不情愿。在这个有些复杂的领域中的某些问题似乎很清楚。首先,如果指定的港口是进入或离开的港口,根据租船条款,该特定船舶可能仅以船舶损坏为代价(总是除了一些异常情况),它是一个不安全的港口。显然,在港口可以说不安全之前,船舶没有必要遭受实际损坏。

I am of the same opinion, and I wish to add only a few words of my own in deference to the learned Judge from whom one differs in a matter such as this with great reluctance. Certain matters in this somewhat convoluted field appear to be clear.

First of all, if the nominated port is a port into or away from which it is possible for this particular ship under the terms of the charter to get only at the cost of damage to the ship then (always excepting some abnormal circumstance) it is an unsafe port. Obviously it is not necessary for the ship to suffer actual damage before the port can be said to be unsafe.

其次,如果Devlin法官在Grace&Co。Ltd.v.General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd.,(1950)83 Ll.L.Rep.297案中是正确的并且在这里适用,然后该港口不应被单独考虑,而是为了确定其安全性或其他方式包括其必要的方法。如果这些方式对于进港或离港都不安全,则港口本身是不安全的。

Secondly, if the judgment of Mr. Justice Devlin in Grace & Co. Ltd. v. General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., (1950) 83 Ll.L. Rep. 297; [1950] 2 K.B. 383 is correct and is applicable here (as to which I express no view) then the port is not to be considered in isolation but comprises, for the purposes of ascertaining its safety or otherwise, the necessary approaches thereto. If those are unsafe in the way described, either for access or for egress, then the port itself is unsafe.



Thirdly, it is not every hazard which will make the port unsafe. There are two main exceptions. First of all, if the hazard is what is called an \"abnormal\" one then the charterers will not be answerable under their warranty of safety. What constitutes abnormality is a question of fact; and in the present case it is answered by the arbitrators against the charterers, either expressly or by necessary implication, in par. P. 4 of their findings, thus:

. . . If the test for an abnormal event is the level of siltation from November to February 1973-4 then there was not such a marked difference as between 1973 and 1974 to constitute an abnormal event . . .

Geoffrey Lane勋爵认为第二个例外是,如果危险仅仅是一个临时危险,那么它不会构成缺乏安全,也不会使港口不安全。在权威当局看来,仅仅是暂时性的危险,或许并不完全清楚。危险或危险需要多长时间才能使港口不安全?它必须足够长,相当于一个令商业企业落空的事件,正如这里的承租人所争辩的那样,或者,正如出租人在这里所说的那样,对于这种类型的船舶的合理出租人来说,它在商业上是不可接受的。合同的时间(无论这意味着什么)?基于Roskill勋爵所给出的理由,在Geoffrey Lane勋爵看来,检验的标准是“是否落空”,而不是“商业上是否可接受”。

Geoffrey Lane勋爵认为这足以确定上诉,因为它被承认-并且恰当如此,如果可以这样说,这个词的真正含义中没有落空的事件存在于此。Geoffrey Lane勋爵认为这使得无需再决定进一步的问题,即:承租人的安全保证有多长?什么时候停止?如果它超出了装载的船准备开航的时间点,它会超出它的范围吗?所有这些都是未来可能需要决定的事项。Geoffrey Lane勋爵认为没有必要在这里开始进行危险的调查,因此将允许上诉。

The second exception is that if the hazard is merely a temporary one then it will not constitute lack of safety, nor make the port unsafe.

What, on the authorities, is a merely temporary hazard is, perhaps, not altogether clear. How long must the hazard or danger last in order to render the port unsafe? Must it be long enough to amount to an event frustrating the commercial venture, as the charterers here contend, or, as the owners contend here, is it sufficient that it can be described as commercially unacceptable to a reasonable owner of this type of ship at the time of the contract (whatever that may mean)? For the reasons given by my Lord, Lord Justice Roskill, it seems to me that the test is \"frustrated or no\" and not \"commercially unacceptable or no\".

That is sufficient to determine the appeal, because it is conceded-and properly so, if I may say so, by Mr. Diamond-that no frustrating event, in the true meaning of that phrase, exists here.

That makes it unnecessary to decide the further question, namely: How long does the charterer's warranty of safety last? When does it cease? If it goes beyond the point in time when the ship, loaded, is ready to sail, how far beyond that does it go? All these are matters which may have to be decided on some future occasion. There is no need, as I see it, for us to embark on that hazardous inquiry here.

I would allow the appeal.

David Cairns子爵认为有些怀疑是否阻止离开海洋,距离港口本身超过100英里的障碍物,可以说是港口不安全。然而,当事人的代表律师在任何阶段都没有提出这个论点,以及Devlin法官在GW Grace&Co。Ltd. v.General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd.(1950) 83 Ll.L.Rep.297 案中的判决第304和391页支持这样的观点,即河流港口可能因远离港口本身的河流条件而变得不安全。



David Cairns子爵认为没有试图找到解决这些问题的方法,而权威当局几乎没有提供任何指导,他更倾向于像贵族院所做的那样,在案件的主要论点基础上做出法官的判断。仲裁,并在下面的法院,并且博学的法官与仲裁员不同。关于Donaldson法官,很满意,由于Roskill勋爵所给出的理由,正确的观点是,仅仅造成延误的阻碍不会使港口不安全,除非延误足以令冒险落空。在那个基础上,David Cairns子爵也允许上诉。

在本案中,密西西比河因为雨水等问题导致河道淤积,及SW Pass那有船舶搁浅导致离港延误,不构成港口不安全问题。在什么情况下所发生的延误可构成港口不安全问题,法官们认为必须足够长,使得航次落空,这和当事人商业上是否可接受没关系。同时法官们认为如果指定的港口是进入或离开的港口,根据租船条款,该特定船舶可能仅以船舶损坏为代价(总是除了一些异常情况),它是一个不安全的港口。同时在港口可以说不安全之前,船舶没有必要遭受实际损坏。只要船舶暴露于危险之中,而这种危险在采用良好的船艺之后仍导致船舶不能正常抵达,使用,驶离该港口,那么该港口是不安全港口;除非是由异常情况发生。很显然,密西西西比河在某个季节的高水位并不足以构成异常情况。

其中Geoffrey Lane勋爵在本案中认为如果指定的港口是进入或离开的港口,根据租船条款,该特定船舶可能仅以船舶损坏为代价(总是除了一些异常情况),它是一个不安全的港口。显然,在港口可以说不安全之前,船舶没有必要遭受实际损坏。为了确定其安全性或其他方式包括其必要的方法。如果这些方式对于进港或离港都不安全,则港口本身是不安全的。并不是每个危险都会使港口不安全,有两个主要的例外。首先,如果危险是所谓的“异常”危险,那么承租人将不会在其安全保证下负责。

Geoffrey Lane勋爵认为第二个例外是,如果危险仅仅是一个临时危险,那么它不会构成缺乏安全,也不会使港口不安全。在权威当局看来,仅仅是暂时性的危险,或许并不完全清楚。危险或危险需要多长时间才能使港口不安全?它必须足够长,相当于一个令商业企业落空的事件。因此如果在密西西比河中因为吃水问题或者航道因为其它船舶搁浅导致的延误,通常情况下并不构成港口不安全。
































“吃得好,又不太劳动”,应该如何保养呢?“痿厥寒热”是现代人由于吃东西太好,又不大劳动造成的,那么如何调治呢?《黄帝内经》上有一句话,“其治宜导引按跷”肯定是个好东西,要怎么用呢?我们来回顾一下以前学的东南西北各个地方的人容易得什么病,怎么治。东方人吃鱼、吃盐太多,“鱼生火,肉生痰”,鱼肉属于高蛋白营养的食物,多余的热邪或盐分会从人的皮肤散出来,所以东方人腠理比较疏松。万一热邪或盐分散得不及时,就会在皮肤表面形成“痈疡(yong yang)”,就是我们常说的脓头、火疖子。这种症状治宜砭石,切开痈疡,引流排脓把热毒、热邪、脓血排出去就好了。




