1. "She fell ill suddenly one morning, complaining of a high fever and a persistent headache."
2. "Due to the change in weather, many students fell ill, and the school had to close temporarily for their health and safety."
3. "The office was forced to cancel the meeting when several employees fell ill, leaving everyone else to work remotely."
4. "The grandma was known for her robust health, but age eventually caught up with her, and she fell ill with pneumonia."
5. "The flu was going around, and unfortunately, the entire family fell ill one after another, needing to isolate themselves to avoid spreading the virus."
在这些句子中,"fall ill"是一个常用的短语,表示"生病"或"病倒",用于描述一个人突然或逐渐出现的健康问题。
"Fall asleep" is a common phrase that refers to the act of going to sleep, losing consciousness, or becoming unconscious due to tiredness. Here are a few examples illustrating how it's used in various contexts:
1. "After a long day at work, she finally managed to fall asleep on the bus, exhausted from the journey."
2. "The kids were so tired after playing all day that they fell asleep quite peacefully on the couch."
3. "Reading a boring book can sometimes have a hypnotic effect, and before she knew it, she had fallen asleep in her armchair."
4. "After a big meal, it's common for people to feel drowsy and eventually fall asleep, justifies their choice of comfortable pajamas!"
5. "He was so exhausted from studying that he closed his eyes and fell asleep within minutes, the book still open on his lap."
These sentences show how "fall asleep" is used to describe the moment when someone's body and mind become relaxed into a state of rest.
"fall ill" 是一个英语短语,它的发音是 [fɔːl ɪl],通常在英语中表示 "生病" 或 "病倒"。 "fall" 这个词的发音是像 "fall down",而 "ill" 则读作 "illness" 的 "ill" 部分。所以,整体来说,"fall ill" 读起来有点像 "fuh-ll il"。请注意,虽然这个词在口语中也可以直接读作 "fall sick",但是 "fall ill" 是更正式且常用的说法。