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时间:2023-10-01 03:37:06 作者:作茧自缚 来源:网友整理










Title: The Magic of Fractions。Title in Chinese: 分数的魔力。Once upon a time, there was a magical world where everything was divided into fractions. The sun would shine for half the day and the moon would shine for the other half. The trees would give two-thirds of their leaves as shade, while the birds flew only a quarter of the time they spent resting on their branches. It was a place where fractions ruled and magic abounded.。In this world, a young girl named Lily lived in a small cottage by the forest. She loved math and fractions were her favorite. One day, as she was taking a walk, she stumbled upon a village where the people were in trouble. As it turned out, their fields were being destroyed by a giant monster who only left behind one-third of the crops that it ate.。Lily knew she had to help, but how could she defeat a monster so huge and fierce? She put her thinking cap on and realized that if they made a plan to grow three times as many crops as the monster ate, they would still have more than enough left over. So, she went to the village elders and together they came up with a plan.。They decided to plant nine fields instead of three, and each field would have enough crops to fill three baskets. This way, when the monster came to eat, it would only get one basket of crops from each field, leaving behind two baskets in each field. By the time the monster had eaten from all nine fields, there would be six full baskets left over.。Lily was thrilled that her plan had worked, and the villagers were overjoyed. They threw a feast in her honor and declared a new holiday to celebrate the power of fractions. Lily smiled as she looked around at all the happy faces, knowing that her love of math had helped make the world a better place.。From that day on, Lily became known as the hero who had defeated the monster with the magic of fractions. And in the magical world where fractions ruled, her story was told for generations to come.。The End。Title: The Mystery of Triangles。Title in Chinese: 三角形的神秘。In a land of squares and rectangles, there lived a curious young girl named Emma who loved to explore the world around her. One day, as she was walking in the forest, she stumbled upon a strange rock formation that looked like a . She had never seen anything like it before, and it sparked her curiosity.。She went back home and started to investigate. She read books, asked experts, and even drew dozens of s on paper to try and understand their mysterious properties. After a long time of studying, she finally figured out the secret of s.。Triangles have three sides and three angles. No matter what size or shape they are, the sum of their angles always adds up to 180 degrees. This meant that if you knew two of the angles, you could easily find the third one by subtracting the sum of the two you knew from 180. Emma was amazed by this discovery and decided to explore the forest more, looking for more shapes.。As she walked, she saw s everywhere. The leaves on the trees were shaped like s, the stones on the ground were shaped like s, even the clouds in the sky were shaped like s. She realized that s were all around her, and she never noticed them before.。Emma started。


制作数学绘本的步骤可以大致分为以下几步:。1. 确定主题和目标受众:首先需要考虑绘本的主题和目标受众群体。比如,如果是为幼儿园或小学低年级的孩子制作数学绘本,主题可以选择一些基础的数学概念,如数字、形状、大小比较等。2. 策划故事情节:接下来需要设计一个有趣生动的故事情节,让孩子们能够通过阅读或观察绘本中的图像来理解数学概念。可以考虑将数学知识融入到故事情节中,例如,讲述一只小动物如何在森林中寻找食物时,介绍长度的测量等。3. 确定绘本的形式:绘本的形式可以选择传统的纸质绘本,也可以选择制作电子绘本。如果制作纸质绘本,需要考虑绘本的尺寸、页数、封面设计等;如果是电子绘本,需要选择合适的软件来编辑、排版和制作。4. 编写文本和绘制插图:根据故事情节,编写绘本的文本,并配合插图来解释故事中的数学概念。插图可以手绘或使用电脑绘图软件完成。需要注意的是,插图要简洁明了,易于理解,同时也需要美观。5. 完成排版和印刷:将文本和插图进行排版后,可以制作成pdf格式,然后进行印刷或制作电子绘本。印刷时也需要注意选用合适的纸张、印刷质量等。制作数学绘本需要关注故事情节和插图的设计,确保内容生动有趣、易于理解。同时,也需要注意绘本的形式和印刷质量,以便更好地传达数学知识。




1. "数的大小比较":绘制两只小兔子,让它们站在不同高度的楼梯上,通过比较它们的位置,引导孩子学习数字的大小关系。2. "十以内的加减法":绘制十个小球,随机涂色,让孩子通过数出不同颜色小球的个数,练习加减法运算。3. "数轴上的加减法":在一条数轴上,绘制两个数,让孩子学习在数轴上进行加减法运算,从而加深对数值的理解。4. "分数的认识":绘制一个蛋糕,将其分成若干份,并表示不同的分数,让孩子通过分数的理解,学习分数的大小关系。5. "几何图形":绘制不同形状和大小的几何图形,包括正方形、三角形、圆形等,让孩子认识几何图形的特征和命名。6. "找规律":通过将一组数字排列成数列,让孩子找出其中的规律,进而学习数列的概念和数学推理能力。7. "时间的认知":绘制不同的时钟图案,让孩子学习认识时钟和日历的基本概念,以及如何读取时间信息。8. "统计与图表":绘制不同种类的水果或动物,让孩子统计它们的数量,并通过绘制柱状图或饼图的形式,进行数据的可视化呈现。
