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时间:2023-10-05 16:50:35 作者:孤僻成性 来源:互联网




1. Hello, everyone. My name is ________. I come from ________.。

2. I'm ________. I'm a student/teacher/businessman/entrepreneur.。

3. I'm ________. I'm interested in ________.。

4. I have been studying/working in ________ for ________ years.。

5. Nice to meet you all. I'm excited to be here.。


6. Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to be here today.。

7. Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone.。

8. Today, I want to talk about ________.。

9. The topic I want to discuss with you today is ________.。

10. I'm here to share with you my thoughts on ________.。


11. First and foremost, let me start by saying that ________.。

12. Secondly, it's important to note that ________.。

13. Another key point to consider is ________.。

14. What's more, we should also take into account ________.。

15. It's worth mentioning that ________.。

16. One thing we can't ignore is ________.。

17. In addition to that, ________.。

18. Furthermore, we need to think about ________.。

19. Let me expand on this point a little bit further.。

20. To be more specific, ________.。


21. For instance, take the example of ________.。

22. To give you an idea, let me tell you about ________.。

23. A good illustration of this is ________.。

24. Let me share with you a personal experience that relates to this topic.。

25. You can see this in action in the case of ________.。


26. As the famous saying goes, ________.。

27. To quote ________.。

28. In the words of ________.。

29. Let me leave you with this quote from ________.。


31. On the one hand, ________ is important, but on the other hand, ________.。

32. There are both advantages and disadvantages to ________.。

33. While ________, ________.。

34. It's a matter of balancing ________ and ________.。

35. In contrast to ________, ________.。


36. In my opinion, ________.。

37. From my perspective, ________.。

38. If you ask me, ________.。

39. As far as I'm concerned, ________.。

40. My view on this matter is that ________.。


41. I would suggest that ________.。

42. It might be a good idea to ________.。

43. Perhaps we could consider ________.。

44. It's important to take into account ________.。

45. My advice would be to ________.。


46. The key to resolving this issue is ________.。

47. One way to tackle this problem is to ________.。

48. We need to find a way to ________.。

49. The best way to deal with this situation is to ________.。

50. If we can ________, then we can solve this problem.。


51. The most important thing to remember is that ________.。

52. Above all, we need to focus on ________.。

53. It's crucial to bear in mind that ________.。

54. What really matters is ________.。

55. We can't forget that ________.。


56. Have you ever thought about ________?。

57. How would you feel if ________?。

58. Can you imagine what would happen if ________?。

59. What if ________?。

60. I wonder if ________.。


61. Do you think ________ is possible?。

62. Are you willing to take the risk and try ________?。

63. Can you handle the challenge of ________?。

64. Are you ready to make a change and ________?。


67. To sum up, we have discussed the importance of ________.。

68. In summary, we have covered ________.。

69. So, to wrap things up, let me remind you that ________.。

70. I hope that I have provided you with some valuable insights into ________.。


71. Thank you for listening to me today.。

72. I appreciate your time and attention.。

73. I'm grateful for the opportunity to speak here today.。

74. It was a pleasure to share my thoughts with you.。


76. We all have the potential to ________.。

78. Believe in yourself and your abilities.。

79. With hard work and determination, anything is possible.。

80. Let's work together to make a difference.。


81. I encourage you to ________.。

82. Take what you have learned today and apply it to your life.。

83. Use this knowledge to make a positive change in the world.。

84. Let's all do our part to make a difference.。

85. Don't just listen to me, go out and take action.。


86. I'm passionate about ________.。

87. This topic is very close to my heart.。

88. I feel strongly about ________.。

89. It makes me happy/sad/excited to talk about ________.。

90. I'm motivated to make a change because of ________.。


91. I。


1. "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." - John F. Kennedy。2. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." - Martin Luther King Jr.。3. "It is not the。




