"Mengzi's Mother's Exhortation" is a fable in "Mengzi". In the story, Mengzi's mother educated Mengzi, not only requiring him to study hard, but also to have moral standards, teaching him to have the character of truth, goodness, and beauty, and guiding Mengzi to be a qualified person with her own example.。
Mengzi's mother was very strict in Mengzi's studies and checked his homework every day. Whenever Mengzi made a mistake, she patiently pointed out his mistakes and told him the correct way. Under Mengzi's mother's education, Mengzi gradually became diligent and studious, and his grades became excellent.。
Mengzi's mother also warned Mengzi: "A man's son cannot but know etiquette, morality, and reading." This means that as the son of a family, Mengzi must understand etiquette, morality, and read carefully, and be able to learn how to be a qualified person.。
Mengzi's mother also told Mengzi: "Unfortunately, those who have no parents also have nurturing, but there is nothing to do with this. This is not the love of parents." This means that even if there are no parents, there will be other people to nurture, but other people cannot love children as parents do.。
The principles that Mengzi's mother taught Mengzi are all based on the spirit of "ren" advocated by Confucius. Mengzi's mother injected this spirit into Mengzi, Mengzi able to become a person with moral concepts and character.。
"Mengzi's Mother's Exhortation" has an important position in the history of Chinese education. It not only emphasizes the importance of education, but also advocates the spirit of "ren", allowing people to understand the principles of being a person and doing things for others, so that people can better understand the true meaning of "ren" and better practice the spirit of "ren".。
孟母戒子原文:。孟母三遷,為子擇師。擇不善師,從不善人;不慕賢師,亦從不賢人。從師必盡其心;既已盡其心,則聽之任之,開其所不能,補其所缺。天也者,性也;才也者,質也。性與質,先天下也;教與化,後天下也。其次取其所長,修其所短,謹毋懈焉,有師是焉。孟母戒子翻译:。孟母三次搬家,是为了为儿子选择好的老师。选择不好的老师,就跟着坏人学坏事;不追求优秀的老师,也就跟着不优秀的人学不优秀的东西。跟老师学习就要全心全意地学习;既然全心全意学了,就要听从和信任老师,学好自己不擅长的,补充自己的不足。人的天性是与生俱来的,而人的才能则是与个人的天赋有关的。天性和天赋是先天的,教育和修养是后天的。其次,要选择适合自己的老师,发扬自己的优点,克服自己的缺点,并且要一直保持着警惕,不可松懈。有了好的老师,就会走上成功之路。孟母戒子拼音版:。mèng mǔ sān qiān, wèi zǐ zé shī. zé bù shàn shī, cóng bù shàn rén; bù mù xián shī, yì cóng bù xián rén. cóng shī bì jìn qí xīn; jì yǐ jìn qí xīn, zé tīng zhī rèn zhī, kāi qí suǒ bù néng, bǔ qí suǒ quē. tiān yě zhě, xìng yě; cái yě zhě, zhì yě. xìng yǔ zhì, xiān tiān xià yě; jiào yǔ huà, hòu tiān xià yě. qí cì qǔ qí suǒ zhǎng, xiū qí suǒ duǎn, jǐn wú。
《孟母戒子》是一篇古代经典的教育文章,内容简述了古代母亲如何教育孩子以成为有德有才之人的故事。以下是《孟母戒子》的全文以及翻译:。孟母三迁,居于梁溪。Mèng mǔ sān qiān, jū yú Liáng Xī.。孟母为子,每饭必先,鸣琴以自遣。Mèng mǔ wèi zǐ, měi fàn bì xiān, míng qín yǐ zì qiǎn.。不学无术,三年之中,不能再弹其前音。Bù xué wú shù, sān nián zhī zhōng, bù néng zài tán qí qián yīn.。孟母曰:“女弗学琴,止可嫁乐师。”。Mèng mǔ yuē: “Nǚ fú xué qín, zhǐ kě jià yuè shī.”。孟子将学剑,孟母曰:“女弗学剑,止可嫁武夫。”。Mèng zǐ jiāng xué jiàn, Mèng mǔ yuē: “Nǚ fú xué jiàn, zhǐ kě jià wǔ fū.”。孟子性好礼,孟母曰:“学礼之道,有所不行,言而有信,行而有则,重之而后可谓学也。”。Mèng zǐ xìng hǎo lǐ, Mèng mǔ yuē: “Xué lǐ zhī dào, yǒu suǒ bù xíng, yán ér yǒu xìn, xíng ér yǒu zé, zhòng zhī ér hòu kě wèi xué yě.”。孟子长大,孟母让他往见梁惠王,梁惠王问道:“闻义衡善言,敢问是何人也?”。Mèng zǐ zhǎng dà, Mèng mǔ ràng tā wǎng jiàn Liáng Huì wáng, Liáng Huì wáng wèn dào: “Wén Yì Héng shàn yán, gǎn wèn shì hé rén yě?”。孟子回答:“昔者,周朝有大贤人,姓颜氏,名回,为周文王师保,周文王之德配。