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时间:2023-10-04 01:23:18 作者:凉话刺骨 来源:用户分享















1. The Three Little Pigs。In this classic tale, three little pigs build their own houses out of different materials – sticks, straw and bricks – to protect themselves from a hungry wolf who is trying to blow their houses down. The story teaches the importance of hard work, planning and perseverance.。2. Cinderella。3. Jack and the Beanstalk。In this adventurous tale, Jack trades his cow for some magic beans that grow into a giant beanstalk, leading him to a giant’s castle in the sky. There, he steals a bag of gold and a magic harp, but the giant chases after him. The story shows the consequences of taking risks and deals without thinking them through.。4. The Tortoise and the Hare。This classic fable tells the story of a hare who is overconfident in his abilities and challenges a slow and steady tortoise to a race. The hare takes an early lead, but stops to rest along the way, giving the tortoise the opportunity to win the race. The moral of the story is to never underestimate the power of determination and hard work.。5. Hansel and Gretel。6. The Ugly Duckling。This heartwarming tale follows the story of a duckling who is mocked and bullied by his peers for his appearance, but eventually grows into a beautiful swan. The story teaches the importance of self-acceptance and embracing differences.。7. The Boy Who Cried Wolf。8. Little Red Riding Hood。9. Goldilocks and the Three Bears。10. The Lion and the Mouse。This famous Aesop’s fable tells the story of a lion who spares the life of a mouse, who later returns the favor by freeing the lion from a trap. The moral of the story is that kindness is always rewarded, no matter how small the act.。


1. 爱尔兰民间故事:例如《三个愿望》和《小牛克里斯托弗》等。2. 英国民间故事:例如《亚瑟王传说》和《罗宾汉传说》等。3. 北欧民间故事:例如《灰姑娘》和《美丽的凯蒂》等。4. 德国民间故事:例如《汉斯尔和格莱特》和《灯笼精灵》等。5. 法国民间故事:例如《美女与野兽》和《小红帽》等。6. 俄国民间故事:例如《伊万王子》和《灰狼和七只小山羊》等。7. 美国民间故事:例如《约翰尼·苹果种子》和《废柴比尔》等。8. 非洲民间故事:例如《三个小猪》和《鬣狗哥哥与长颈鹿弟弟》等。9. 印度民间故事:例如《阿里巴巴与四十大盗》和《辛巴达》等。10. 中国民间故事:例如《聪明的一休》和《孔子的故事》等。


2. Little Red Riding Hood - a cautionary tale from Europe in which a young girl wearing a red hood is tricked by a wolf who eats her grandmother and tries to eat her as well, but is eventually defeated by a woodsman.。3. The Three Little Pigs - a story from England about three pigs who build houses of straw, sticks, and bricks, and are targeted by a hungry wolf who blows down the first two houses but is unable to destroy the third.。5. The Tortoise and the Hare - a fable from ancient Greece about a tortoise who challenges a hare to a race and wins by taking a slow but steady approach, while the hare takes a nap and loses track of time.。7. Anansi the Spider - a trickster tale from West Africa about a spider named Anansi who gets into mischief and trouble but always manages to use his wits to get out of tricky situations.。8. The Lion and the Mouse - a fable from ancient Greece about a lion who spares the life of a small mouse, and later the mouse returns the favor by freeing the lion from a hunter's trap.。9. The Monkey and the Crocodile - a story from India about a monkey who outwits a crocodile by tricking him into taking him across a river, and then escapes by jumping from tree to tree while the crocodile tries to catch him.。


1. 罗马神话:关于罗马神话的故事非常丰富,其中最著名的是《阿耳戈英雄传》和《特洛伊故事》。2. 希腊神话:希腊神话的故事也很多,其中最著名的是《奥德赛》和《伊利亚特》。3. 北欧神话:北欧神话的故事包括《雷神索尔》、《奥丁与他的狼》和《邪恶的洛基》等。4. 印度神话:印度神话的故事包括《罗摩衍那》、《摩诃婆罗多》和《维达·普拉那》等。5. 中国神话:中国神话的故事包括《封神演义》、《山海经》和《古代神话》等。6. 日本神话:日本神话的故事包括《竹取物语》、《日月神示》和《出云国物语》等。7. 埃及神话:埃及神话的故事包括《伊西斯和奥西里斯》、《海拉克勒西斯》和《拉》等。8. 美洲神话:美洲神话的故事包括《玛雅神话》、《阿兹特克神话》和《因卡神话》等。9. 澳大利亚原住民神话:澳大利亚原住民神话的故事包括《吉莫》、《耳朵长的藤蔓》和《乌鸦人》等。10. 非洲神话:非洲神话的故事包括《赛伊舒和艾诺》、《安卡辛达和阿姆辛达》和《杰基与阿杰姆》等。


1. 爱尔兰故事《杰克与豆茎》(Jack and the Beanstalk)。2. 德国故事《汉赛尔与格莱特》(Hansel and Gretel)。3. 英国故事《灰姑娘》(Cinderella)。4. 法国故事《美女与野兽》(Beauty and the Beast)。5. 挪威故事《白雪公主》(Snow White)。6. 希腊故事《俄耳甫斯与欧律狄刻》(Orpheus and Eurydice)。7. 拉丁美洲故事《矮人和奇异果》(The Dwarf and the Strange Fruits)。8. 俄罗斯故事《卡舒琳娜·芬妮斯》(Kashchei the Immortal)。9. 印度故事《阿拉丁和神灯》(Aladdin and the Magic Lamp)。10. 中国民间故事《孙悟空三打白骨精》。
