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时间:2023-10-14 22:26:44 作者:未及挽留 来源:网友整理


Virginity is a term used to describe the state of being ually inexperienced. It is often associated with females, as their hymen is commonly used as a physical marker of their virginity. However, virginity can also apply to males who have not engaged in ual intercourse.。

The concept of virginity has been present in many cultures throughout history, often as a way to control female uality and ensure purity before marriage. In some societies, a woman's virginity was seen as a valuable commodity and was even bought and sold. This has led to a harmful stigma surrounding the loss of virginity, particularly for women.。

In recent years, there has been a push to redefine and destigmatize virginity. Many people are recognizing that virginity is a social construct and that there is no one "correct" way to experience or define uality. Some argue that the idea of virginity puts unnecessary pressure on young people, leading to feelings of shame or inadequacy.。

There are also many misconceptions surrounding virginity and the hymen. The hymen is a thin membrane that may or may not be present in the vagina, and it can be stretched or torn for a variety of reasons, including physical activity or tampon use. Just because someone does not have an intact hymen does not mean they have had , and vice versa.。

In conclusion, virginity is a complex and often loaded topic. While it can be a personal choice, it is important to recognize that it is a social construct that can be harmful if it is used to shame or judge others. Ultimately, the most important thing is to respect one's own boundaries and the boundaries of others, regardless of their ual history or experience.。


Virginity refers to the state of never having had ual intercourse. It is commonly associated with the preservation of a person's purity and innocence, and historically has been highly valued in many cultures and societies. Virginity can be a personal choice or a societal expectation, and its significance and definition can vary widely between individuals and communities.。


Virginity是指某人从未进行过性行为的状态。它可以用来描述一个人的身体状态,也可以用来描述一个社会或文化的价值观。在许多文化中,保持/童贞的状态被视为重要的,因为它被认为是一种贞洁和纯洁的表现。例如:。- She lost her virginity to her current boyfriend.。她与现任男友失去了她的之身。- Some cultures place a high value on virginity before marriage.。一些文化中婚前保持贞洁被认为很重要。


virginity的读音为 /vərdʒɪnɪti/。




