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时间:2024-01-22 07:58:30 作者:心若向阳 来源:网友分享



* 用英语自身来理解和学习英语是最好的方式,《英读廊》是《满庭说英语》中的拓展阅读系列,这一系列的文章力求帮助大家在英语阅读能力上有所提升,并树立英语思维;* 推荐的阅读的方法是:先原文,适当看解析阅读,还有疑惑再看双语对照。* 解析中英语单词的音标使用Dictcom和IPA双音标标注,如果需要了解Dictcom音标,请参看我们的《dictionary所用的音标体系》一文。* 本篇文章难度系数7.6,由《小仙英语伴读》人工智能难度分析系统提供评分。#英语思维#



What makes people clever and why are some smarter than others?【译】是什么让人聪明?为什么有些人比其他人聪明?【语法】smarter than 形容词或副词比较级 + than,是“比...更...”的意思;例句:He is younger than me. 他比我(更)年轻。He runs faster than me. 他比我跑得(更)快。【单词】clever ['klev-er]['klevə] adj. 聪明的;灵巧的【单词】smarter 原型:smart [smahrt][smɑːt] adj. 时髦的;漂亮的;聪明的;敏捷的;整洁的;厉害的

I am currently doing my GCSE's in high school and I have to revise every night to stay at the level I am working at.【译】我目前正在高中念普通中等教育证书,我必须每晚复习,以保持我目前的水平。【用法】have to do sth. 表示“必须”、“不得不”、“只好”、“(被迫)很勉强”去做某事,后面跟动词原形,与情态动词 must 近义但区别在于:have to 表示客观的需要,must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。例句:My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night. 我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事) He said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事)【单词】currently ['kur-uhnt-lee, 'kuhr-]['kʌrəntli] adv. 现在;通常;当前【单词】revise [ri-'vahyz][rɪ'vaɪz] n. 校订;修正;再校稿 v. 校订;修正;校正【专有名词】GCSE [ˌdʒiːsiːes'iː] abbr. 英国的普通中等教育证书(=General Certificate of Secondary Education),相当于中学毕业的学历证明

However, there is another person in my year who is one of the smartest people in the country.【译】然而,在我这一届中,还有一个人是这个国家最聪明的人之一。【单词】smartest 原型:smart 形容词最高级 [smahrt][smɑːt] adj. 时髦的;漂亮的;聪明的;敏捷的;整洁的;厉害的 vi. 刺痛;难过;烦恼 n. 刺痛;苦恼 adv. (=smartly)

Seriously, in the national math test thing he was the 1% of 100 marks out of everybody in the country who took the test.【译】说真的,在全国数学考试中,他在全国参加考试的人中排在前百分之一。【单词】Seriously 原型:seriously 副词 ['seer-ee-uhs-lee]['sɪəriəsli] adv. 严肃地;认真地;严重地【单词】math [math][mæθ] n. 数学【单词】everybody ['ev-ree-bod-ee, -buhd-ee]['evribɒdi] pron. 每人;人人;各人

He never has to study for exams and knows everything.【译】他从来不必为考试而学习,什么都会。【单词】exams 原型:exam [ig-'zam][ɪɡ'zæm] n. 考试

What does he have different from me?【译】他和我有什么不同?

He almost certainly does study.【译】他几乎可以肯定地保持不断学习。

However, he's probably been studying more consistently than you since a very young age.【译】而且,他可能从很小的时候就比你更能坚持学习。【单词】consistently [kuhn-'sis-tuhnt-lee][kən'sɪstəntlɪ] adv. 一致地;始终如一地

Because of this, his brain has been trained over many years to be able to take in information more quickly.【译】正因为如此,他的大脑经过多年的训练,能够更快地接收信息。【固定用法】be able to do sth. 能够,会(做);有能力(或办法、机会)做某事;例句:I am able to pick you up on the short wave radio. 我能用短波收音机收听到你的信号。【短语】take over 表示“接管;接收”。如:I intend you to take over. 我打算让你来接管。【单词】brain [breyn][breɪn] n. 脑;智力;智者【单词】trained 原型:train [treyn][treɪn] vt. 训练;培训;vi. 进行锻炼,接收训练;练习

Of course, there is a genetic element to the ability to learn... but I guarantee he wasn't born with an understanding of trigonometry, nor with an ability to analyse Shakespeare.【译】当然,学习能力有遗传因素。。。但我保证他不是天生就懂得三角学,也没有分析莎士比亚的能力。【短语】of course 当然【单词】genetic [juh-'net-ik][dʒə'netɪk] adj. 遗传的;基因的;起源的【单词】element ['el-uh-muhnt]['elɪmənt] n. 要素;元素;元件【单词】ability [uh-'bil-i-tee][ə'bɪləti] n. 能力;才能【单词】learn [lurn][lɜːn] v. 学会;学习;得知【单词】guarantee [gar-uhn-'tee][ˌɡærən'tiː] vt. 保证;担保【单词】born [bawrn][bɔːn] adj. 出生的;与生俱来的 动词bear的过去分词.【单词】trigonometry [trig-uh-'nom-i-tree][ˌtrɪɡə'nɒmətri] n. 三角法【单词】analyse ['an-l-ahyz]['ænəlaɪz] vt. 分析;细察【专有名词】Shakespeare n. 莎士比亚(英国诗人、剧作家)

It only comes with practice.【译】(这些能力)只有在实践、练习后才会有。

But the amount of practice it requires will vary from one person to another, and a key part of that is how used to learning your brain has already become.【译】但是,它所需要的练习量会因人而异,其中一个关键部分就是如何习惯在挡墙大脑的状态下进行学习。【短语】part of ... (某事物的)一部分;例句:He received part of his education in England. 他有一部分教育是在英国接受的。【单词】requires 原型:require [ri-'kwahyuhr][rɪ'kwaɪə] v. 要求;需要;命令;规定【单词】vary ['vair-ee]['veəri] v. 改变;变化;使多样化

The good news is that the brain is constantly adapting - the phrase that you can't teach an old dog new tricks has been proven to be wrong.【译】好消息是大脑在不断地适应——不能教老狗新技能的说法已经被证明是错误的。【单词】constantly ['kon-stuhnt]['kɒnstəntli] adv. 不断地;经常地【单词】adapting 原型:adapt [uh-'dapt][ə'dæpt] vt. 改编;使适应 vi. 适应;适合【单词】phrase [freyz][freɪz] n. 短语;习语;措辞【单词】teach [teech][tiːtʃ] vt. 教;教导;教授;教训 vi. 给予指导【单词】tricks 原型:trick [trik][trɪk] n. 花招;把戏;诀窍【单词】proven 原型:prove [proov][pruːv] v. 证明;检验

So if you want to train your brain to be able to do the same, then just take every learning opportunity you have from now on.【译】所以,如果你想训练你的大脑,使之能够做到同样的事情,那么就从现在开始抓住你所有的学习机会。

Over the course of the next few years your brain, too, will be adapted to learn, and you will find the task relatively easy by the time you finish your degree, if that's the path you choose to take.【译】在接下来的几年里,你的大脑也会适应学习,当你完成学业时,你会发现这项任务相对容易,如果你选择了这条路的话。

【单词】task [task, tahsk][tɑːsk] n. 任务;工作 vt. 交给某人(任务);使做艰苦的工作【单词】relatively ['rel-uh-tiv-lee]['relətɪvli] adv. 相对地;比较地【单词】finish ['fin-ish]['fɪnɪʃ] v. 完成;结束【单词】path [path, pahth][pɑːθ] n. 路线;小路;路程【单词】choose [chooz][tʃuːz] v. 选择;决定

The genetic component, is far more important in this case, though as mentioned the person is achieving near the top of the country.【译】在这种情况下,基因成分要重要得多,尽管正如之前所提到的那样,那个人(的智力)接近于是国家的尖子。【短语】far more 多得多的,更...的多的;例句:A bicycle's often far more convenient than a car in busy cities. 在热闹的都市里骑自行车往往比坐汽车方便得多。【单词】component [kuhm-'poh-nuhnt, kom-][kəm'pəʊnənt] n. 零部件;元件;组成部分;成分【单词】mentioned 原型:mention ['men-shuhn]['menʃn] vt. 提到;说起 n. 提及;说起【单词】achieving 原型:achieve [uh-'cheev][ə'tʃiːv] v. 完成;达到;实现

When you are one of the best at anything, it is a junction of effort AND genes which are at play.【译】当你在任何事情上都是最优秀的人之一,那就是努力和发挥作用的基因的结合。【单词】junction ['juhngk-shuhn]['dʒʌŋkʃn] n. 连接;会合处;交叉点【单词】effort ['ef-ert]['efət] n. 努力;努力的成果【单词】genes 原型:gene [jeen][dʒiːn] n. 基因

You can practice as much as you want.【译】尽可能地多加练习,你想练多少就练多少。【用法】as...as 意为"和……一样",表示同级的比较。 其基本结构为:as adj./adv. as sth.;例如:This film is as interesting as that one. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。

You're not going to become a concert violinist with mere effort.【译】你不可能仅仅靠努力就成为一名音乐会上的小提琴手。【单词】concert ['kon-surt]['kɒnsət] n. 音乐会【单词】violinist [vahy-uh-'lin-ist][ˌvaɪə'lɪnɪst] n. 小提琴手【单词】mere [meer][mɪə] adj. 仅仅的;纯粹的

It takes will + talent to be the best.【译】只有结合个人意愿加上天赋才能成为最好的。【单词】talent ['tal-uhnt]['tælənt] n. 天赋;才能,才艺;天才;人才

He probably has more neuroplasticity, which is the ability of the brain to make new connections and change ones.【译】他可能具有更多的神经可塑性,即大脑建立新的联系和改变联系的能力。【单词】neuroplasticity [noor-oh-pla-'stis-i-tee][njuərɒplæs'tɪsɪtɪ] 神经塑性【单词】connections 原型:connection [kuh-'nek-shuhn][kə'nekʃn] n. 联系;关系;连接

Evolution did not necessarily select for the smartest humans, just humans that are smart enough.【译】进化并不一定选择最聪明的人类,只选择足够聪明的人类。【短语】not necessarily表示“未必;不一定”。如:Frustrations are not necessarily bad things in life.【单词】Evolution 原型:evolution [ev-uh-'loo-shuhn][ˌiːvə'luːʃn] n. 进化;发展;演变【单词】necessarily [nes-uh-'sair-uh-lee, -'ser-][ˌnesə'serəli] adv. 必然地;必定地;必需地【单词】select [si-'lekt][sɪ'lekt] v. 选择;挑选

But that leaves a lot of wiggle room.【译】但这留下了很大的回旋余地。【单词】leaves 原型:leave [leef][liːf] v. 离开,留下,剩下【单词】wiggle ['wig-uhl]['wɪɡl] v. 扭动;摆动 n. 扭动;蠕动

Intelligence has a cost.【译】智慧是有代价的。【单词】Intelligence 原型:intelligence [in-'tel-i-juhns][ɪn'telɪdʒəns] n. 智力;理解力

For an extreme example, look at Autistic savants: super smart at some things, but at the cost of others, usually social interaction.【译】举一个极端的例子,看看自闭症学者:在某些事情上超级聪明,但以其他事情为代价,通常是社交。【单词】extreme [ik-'streem][ɪk'striːm] adj. 极度的;极端的 n. 极端;极限【单词】savants 名词复数形式 n. 学者(savant的复数);专家【单词】social ['soh-shuhl]['səʊʃl] adj. 社会的;社会阶层的;群居的;社交的;好交际的;合群的【单词】interaction [in-ter-'ak-shuhn][ˌɪntər'ækʃn] n. 相互作用;相互影响;互动交流【专有名词】Autistic ['aw-tiz-uhm][ɔː'tɪstɪk] adj. 自闭的

So part of it is just winning the evolutionary lottery.【译】所以部分原因就是赢得了进化的青睐。【单词】winning 原型:win [win][wɪn] v. 赢;赢得;获胜;获得【单词】evolutionary [ev-uh-'loo-shuh-ner-ee][ˌiːvə'luːʃənri] adj. 进化的;发展的;演变的【单词】lottery ['lot-uh-ree]['lɒtəri] n. 彩票

Some people are lucky enough to be born rich, some people are lucky enough to be born hot, some people are lucky enough to be born smart (and occasionally some really lucky bastard gets all of them).【译】有些人幸运地生来富有,有些人幸运地出生就被关注,有些人幸运地生来聪明(偶尔一些真正幸运的家伙会得到所有这些)。【单词】lucky ['luhk-ee]['lʌki] adj. 幸运的;带来好运的【单词】rich [rich][rɪtʃ] adj. 富有的;富饶的;丰富的【单词】hot [hot][hɒt] adj. 热的;辣的;强烈的 adv. 激动地;趁热地 v. (使)变热【单词】occasionally [uh-'key-zhuh-nl-ee][ə'keɪʒnəli] adv. 偶尔地【单词】bastard ['bas-terd]['bɑːstəd] n. 家伙,私生子;混蛋

Part of it may also just be an inherent love of learning.【译】它的一部分可能只是一种内在的对学习的热爱。【单词】inherent [in-'her-uhnt, -'heer-][ɪn'hɪərənt] adj. 固有的;内在的

I love learning, I think the universe is an infinitely interesting place.【译】我喜欢学习,我认为宇宙是一个无限有趣的地方。【单词】universe ['yoo-nuh-vurs]['juːnɪvɜːs] n. 宇宙;万物;世界【单词】infinitely ['in-fuh-nit]['ɪnfɪnətli] adv. 无限地;无穷地

The cost of all that is that I don't keep up with pop culture pretty much at all.【译】所有这些的代价是我根本跟不上流行文化。【单词】pop [pop][pɒp] adj. 通俗的;流行的;热门的【单词】culture ['kuhl-cher]['kʌltʃə] n. 栽培;文化【单词】pretty ['prit-ee]['prɪti] adv. 相当地

I'm also super jealous of all my creative friends who actually have the motivation to write and draw and create.【译】我也非常嫉妒我所有有创造力的朋友,他们有写作、绘画和创作的动力。【单词】jealous ['jel-uh s]['dʒeləs] adj. 妒忌的;羡慕的;嫉妒的【单词】creative [kree-'ey-tiv][kri'eɪtɪv] adj. 创造的,创造性的;创作的【单词】motivation [moh-tuh-'vey-shuhn][ˌməʊtɪ'veɪʃn] n. 动机;动力;刺激;积极性【单词】draw [draw][drɔː] v. 画【单词】create [kree-'eyt][kri'eɪt] v. 创造;造成

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.【译】每个人都有优点和缺点。【单词】strengths 原型:strength [strengkth][streŋθ] n. 力气;强度;力量;长处【单词】weaknesses 原型:weakness ['week-nis]['wiːknəs] n. 软弱;弱点;嗜好

That's good for evolution, because it means the species can adapt to more situations.【译】这有利于进化,因为这意味着整个物种可以适应更多的环境。【单词】evolution [ev-uh-'loo-shuhn][ˌiːvə'luːʃn] n. 进化;发展;演变【单词】species ['spee-sheez, -seez]['spiːʃiːz] n. 种类;(单复同)物种【单词】adapt [uh-'dapt][ə'dæpt] vt. 改编;使适应 vi. 适应;适合



“挖”这个词用英文表达是dig。 今天我们就要大家介绍一个和“dig”有关的常用口语表达 dig it.

"Dig it" 的字面意思是“挖它”,但在口语中,它的意思是:理解了/接受了/喜欢了。这个表达常用于表达已经理解,接受或喜欢某个想法或者行动。

在很多场合都可以使用"dig it"。比如,当你的朋友分享他们的新计划时,你可以用“dig it”表达你的认可和支持。

A: I’m thinking of starting a new business.我在考虑做一个新的生意。B: That’s awesome! I totally dig it. Let me know if you need any help.太棒了!我完全支持你,如果需要帮忙的话随时告诉我。

A: I’m planning a trip to Europe next year.我计划明年去欧洲旅游。B: Wow, I dig it! Europe is such a beautiful place.哇,太棒了!欧洲真是一个美丽的地方。

或者,当你听到一首新歌或看到一部新电影时,你可以用“dig it”表示你很喜欢。

A: Have you heard the new album from Taylor Swift?你听说了泰勒·斯威夫特的新专辑了吗?B: Yes, I dig it. Her music is always so good.听过了,我很喜欢。她的音乐总是这么棒。

You dig it? 这个表达你明白了吗 ~


今天给大家比较一下wiggle, waggle和wriggle。Wiggle = waggle,都是摆动,扭动的意思,教宝宝舞蹈的时候可以用这个词。Wriggle指像虫子一样蠕动,也有企图挣脱的意思,特别适合在给宝宝穿衣服时,宝宝不配合,扭来扭去的时候用,你可以说don't wriggle。

微信公众号:你和宝宝说英语 parents_english


151.Fables and novels have a lot in common but usually fables include more wisdom so they pass on from generation to generation .寓言和小说有很多相似之处,但是通常寓言包括了更多的智慧所以他们一代一代流传下来 。

①fable[ˈfeibəl] n.寓言;[总称]神话传说

②novel[ˈnɔvəl] n.(长篇)小说 a.新颖的

③a lot [əˈ lɔt] 很,非常,很多

④common [ˈkɔmən] a.平常的,普通的;共同的,公共的

⑤usually [ˈju:ʒəli] ad.通常,平常

⑥include [inˈklu:d] vt.包括,包含

⑦wisdom [ˈwizdəm] n.明智,正确的判断;智慧,学问

⑧pass [pɑ:s] v.经过;传递;通过;流逝 pass on 传授,传递

⑨from [frəm,frɔm] prep.出自;离;去除;从 from …to … 从……到……

⑩generation [ˌdʒenəˈreiʃən] n.一代人(或产品);产生,发生

152.The real root of the word “china” is none but in China because china was created in various colours by wise Chinese.“陶瓷”这个单词的真正来源就是在中国,因为颜色各异的陶瓷是由聪明的中国人创造出来的。

①real [riəl] a.真的,真正的;真实的,现实的

②root [ru:t] n.根(部);根源

③china [ˈtʃainə] n.瓷器

④none [nʌn] pron.没有一人(或物)

⑤create [kri:ˈeit] vt.创造,创作,创建;引起,产生

⑥various [ˈvɛəriəs] a.不同的,各种各样的;多方面的

⑦wise [waiz] a.有智慧的,聪明的;英明的,明智的

153. Through discussion, only a few students correct their mistakes while 70 percent of students are still confused.通过讨论,只有一部分学生改正了错误,而其他的 70%的学生仍然很困惑。

①through [θru:] prep.穿过;从头到尾;凭借

②discussion [disˈkʌʃən] n.讨论,谈论,论述

③correct [kəˈrekt] a.正确的;合适的,符合的 vt. 改(纠)正

④mistake [misˈteik] n.错误,过失 vt.误解,弄错;误认为

⑤while [wail] conj.当…的时;而;虽然 n.一会儿

⑥percent [pəˈsent] n.百分之一

⑦confused [kənˈfju:z] a. 困惑的; 烦恼的

154.Though he won the victory of the second round of the race, he went pale and felt tired.虽然他赢得了第二轮比赛,但是他脸色苍白,感到十分疲惫。

①though [ðəu] conj. 尽管,虽然

②win [win] vi. 获胜,赢 vt. 获胜;赢得

③victory [ˈviktəri] n.胜利

④round [raund] a.圆的 ad.在周围 prep.大约 n.局

⑤race [reis] n.赛跑;竞争;人种 v.参赛

⑥pale [peil] a.苍白的;淡的

155.The young man stopped in front of the mirror to put his golden tie straight, had a look at his gold watch and walked downstairs to have a supper with his girl friend.这个年轻人在镜子前整理了一下他的金色领带,看了一眼他的金表,走下楼和他的女朋友共进晚餐。

①stop [stɔp, stɑp] v.停止,中断;阻止 n.车站

②in front of 在…前面,在…面前

③mirror [ˈmirə] n.镜 vt.反映,反射

④golden [ˈgəuldən] a.金(黄)色的;金的,金制的;极好的

⑤tie [tai] vt.扎;系;连接 n.领带

⑥straight [streit] a.直的;连续的;直率的

⑦have a look at 看一看……

⑧gold [gəuld] n.(黄)金;金色 a.金的,金制的

⑨downstairs [ˈdaunˈstɛəz] ad.在楼下,往楼下 a.楼下的 n.楼下

⑩supper [ˈsʌpə] n.晚餐 have a supper 吃晚餐

156. Since we have no ropes at hand, where do you suppose that we ought to hang these spare clothes that we have just washed?既然我们手上没有绳子,你认为我们应该在哪里挂这些刚洗好的衣服.

①since [sins] conj./ prep.从…以后;因为

②rope [rəup] n.绳,索

③at hand 在手边; 即将到来; 在附近

④suppose [səˈpəuz] vt.料想,以为;假定;期望,认为应该

⑤ought to [ˈɔ:t tə] aux. v.应当,应该

⑥hang [hænd] vt.悬挂,吊;吊死 vi.悬挂,垂下

⑦spare [speə] a.备用的;多余的 vt.抽出(时间)

⑧wash [wɔʃ] vt.洗;冲 vi.洗衣等

157. Unit Six is on Page 56, and you can find many useful figures about this item.第六单元在 56页上,你可以找到关于这个项目的有用的数字。

①unit [ˈju:nit] n.单元;部件,元件,装置;单位

②page [peidʒ] n.页,张

③useful [ˈju:sfəl] a.有用的,有益的

④figure [ˈfigə] n.数字;轮廓 vt.计算

⑤item [ˈaitəm] n.条(款),项目

158.The shower is coming for there are a lot of dark clouds in the sky. So you had better carry an umbrella with you.天空上乌云密布,马上就要下阵雨了,你最好随身带一把伞。

①shower [ˈʃauə] n./ v.淋浴(器);阵雨(般落下),倾注

②for [fɔ:] conj.因为

③dark [dɑ:k] a.暗的,黑色的;深色的 n.[the~]黑暗(夜)

④cloud [klaud] n.云;一群;阴影

⑤sky [skai] n.天(空)

⑥had better 应该,还是…好,最好(做)……

⑦carry [ˈkæri] vt.提;运送;传播;携带

⑧umbrella [ʌmˈbrelə] n.伞,雨伞

159. After he won the indoor bicycle race, he received an award of a computer with 23 inch screen.在他赢得室内自行车比赛之后,他得到了一台有 23寸屏幕的电脑作为奖励。

①indoor [ˈindɔ:] a.(在)室(户)内的 ad.[-s]在室(户)内

②bicycle [ˈbaisik(ə)l] n.自行车 vi.骑自行车

③race [reis] n.赛跑;竞争;人种 v.参赛

④receive [riˈsi:v] vt.收到;受到

⑤award [əˈwɔ:d] n.奖(金) vt.授予,给予;判给

⑥inch [intʃ] n.英寸

⑦screen [skri:n] n.屏幕;屏风,帘,纱窗 vt.掩蔽

160.What they argued about finally led to fight, so their son had no choice but to beg police for help.他们的争论最终演变成打架,他们的儿子不得不向警察求助。

①argue [ˈɑ:gju:] vi.争论(吵,辩) vt.主张;说服 argue about sth 争论…

②finally [ˈfainəli] ad.最后,终于

③lead [li:d] v.带路;领导;致使;通向 n.领导 lead to 导致;导向

④fight [fait] n.战斗,打架,斗争

⑤son [sʌn] n.儿子,孩子

⑥choice [tʃɔis] n.选择(权);供选择的东西

⑦beg [beg] v.恳求,请求;乞讨,乞求 beg sb for sth 向某人乞求某事

161.He joined in the junior tennis club at the age of 5, and his aim was to be well-known throughout the world as a tennis player.他 5岁加入了这个青少年网球俱乐部,他的目标是成为一名举世闻名的网球运动员。

①join [dʒɔin] v.参加,加入;连接

②junior [ˈdʒu:niə] a.年少的;资历较浅的 n.年少者;晚辈

③tennis [ˈtenis] n.网球

④club [klʌb] n.俱乐部;棍棒,球棒

⑤age [eidʒ] n.年龄;时代(期) at the age of 在……的年龄

⑥aim [eim] n.目的 vt.瞄准 vi.(at,for)瞄准

⑦well-known [ˌwelˈnəun] a.众所周知的,著名的

⑧throughout [θru(:)ˈaut] prep.遍及;贯穿 ad.到处;自始至终

162. If you hold a plot of ice, the message of cool feeling will be carried from the skin to the brain.如果你握着一块冰,感觉凉爽的信号就由皮肤带给了大脑。

①hold [həuld] v.拿;保持;掌握;主持

②plot [plɔt] n.故事情节;密谋;小块土地

③ice [ais] n.冰,冰块

④message [ˈmesidʒ] n.信息,便条,口信

⑤cool [ku:l] a.凉(快)的;冷静(淡)的 v.冷却

⑥feeling [ˈfi:liŋ] n.感情,体谅,同情;感觉

⑦skin [skin] n.皮(肤);毛皮;外皮

⑧brain [brein] n.脑,脑髓

163. To our amusement, this model from Paris has formed a habit of wearing a pair of thin stocking even in winter in order to look attractive.令我们感到有趣的是,这个来自巴黎的模特为了引人注目养成了在冬天穿薄的长袜的习惯。

①amusement [əˈmju:zmənt] n;文娱设施 to one’s amusement 令人感到有趣的是

②model [ˈmɔdl] n.模型;模特儿 a.模范的

③form [fɔ:m] n.形式;外形;表格 v.形(构)成,产生

④habit [ˈhæbit] n.习惯,习性 form a habit 形成一个习惯

⑤a pair of 一对;一双

⑥thin [θin] a./ ad.薄,细,瘦;稀薄(的)

⑦stocking [ˈstɔkiŋ] n.长袜

⑧even [ˈi:vən] ad.甚至

⑨winter [ˈwintə] n.冬,冬季

⑩in order to 为了(做某事)

11attractive [əˈtræktiv] a.吸引的,有吸引力的,引起注意的

164. The silly boy thought that if he mixed cream with jam and put it in the fridge for some time, he would get much ice cream.这个傻男孩认为只要将奶油和果酱混合起来,放进冰箱一段时间,他就能得到许多冰激凌了。

①silly [ˈsili] a.傻的,糊涂的

②mix [miks] vt.配制;混淆 vi.相混合

③cream [kri:m] n.奶油(食品);乳霜(膏)

④jam [dʒæm] n.果酱;拥挤;卡住 vt.塞进

⑤fridge [frɪdʒ] n. 电冰箱

165. After such a serious traffic accident, he was still alive because he wore the safety belt.在如此严重的交通事故之后,因为他戴着安全带所以他仍然活着。

①such [sʌtʃ] a.这样的 ad.那么

②serious [ˈsiəriəs] a.严重的;重要的;认真的;严肃的

③traffic [ˈtræfik] n.交通(量);(非法)交易

④accident [ˈæksidənt] n.意外遭遇,事故;意外(因素)

⑤alive [əˈlaiv] a.活着的;存在的;活跃的

⑥safety ['seɪftɪ] n. 安全, 安全设备, 保险

⑦belt [belt] n.腰带,皮带

166.Ocean and sea are different from each other, because the ocean is far away from the land while the sea is close to the land. Hence, to some degree, the Pacific belongs to ocean rather than sea.洋和海是不一样的,因为洋是远离陆地的地方而海是靠近陆地的地方。因此,在某种程度上,太平洋属于洋而非海。

①ocean [ˈəuʃən] n.洋,海洋

②sea [si:] n.海,海洋

③each other [ˈi:tʃ ˈʌðə] 互相

④far away from 远离……

⑤land [lænd] n.陆地;土地;国家

⑥while [wail] conj.当…的时;而;虽然

⑦close [kləuz] v.关;(使)接近 a.近的 ad.接近地 be close to 离……近

⑧hence [hens] adv.因此,所以;今后,从此

⑨degree [diˈgri:] n.度,度数;程度 to some degree 在某种程度上, 在一定程度上

⑩belong [biˈlɔŋ] vi.应归入;适应;(to)属于 belong to 属于

〈11〉rather than 与其…倒不如,不是…而是

167.If you want to get the occupation in this advertisement company, sign your name on the straight line.如果你想在这个广告公司里得到职务,请在横线处签上你的名字。

①occupation [ˌɔkjuˈpeiʃən] n.工作,职业

②advertisement [ədˈvə:tismənt] n.广告,公告,启事;广告活动

③company [ˈkʌmpəni] n;陪伴;同伴(们)

④sign [sain] v.签(署) n.标记,符号;招牌;迹象

⑤line [lain] n.(界)线;条纹;方针;线路 on the line 在电话(线)上

⑥straight [streit] a.直的;连续的;直率的

168.The customer dialed the company’s telephone number to know why all these free taps couldn't work at all.客户拨打了公司的电话,想知道为什么这些免费的水龙头根本无法使用。

①customer [ˈkʌstəmə] n.顾客,主顾

②dial [ˈdaiəl] vt.拨(号),打电话

③number [ˈnʌmbə] n.数字;号码[常略作N o.]号

④free [ˈfri:] a./ ad.自由的(地);免费的(地) vt.解放

⑤tap [tæp] n. 轻拍, 轻敲, 轻叩 v. 轻拍, 轻敲, 轻叩

⑥at all [用于否定句]丝毫,一点 not at all 一点也不

169. After her leader talked with her and told her to repeat the task, she felt very upset.在她的领导和她谈话并让她重复任务之后,她感到很不安。

①leader [ˈli:də] n.领袖,领导者

②repeat [riˈpi:t] v./n.重复,重说,重做

③task [tɑ:sk] n.任务,工作,作业

④upset [ʌpˈset] vt.心烦意乱;搅乱 n.不安(适) a.心烦的

170. Would you mind shutting the door? I smell something unusual outside the room.你介意我关门吗,我在门外闻到一些异味。

①Would you mind + (sb’s) doing 你介意(某人)做……吗?

②shut [ʃʌt] v.关,闭

③smell [smel] n.气味;嗅觉 vi.散发 vt.闻到;察觉

④unusual [ʌnˈju:ʒuəl] a.不平常的,少有的;与众不同的,独特的

⑤outside [ˈautˈsaid] prep./ n./ ad./ a.(在,向)的外面(的)

171. The chicken farm on the hill is in the distance so it is impossible for you to return on foot before the night.位于山丘上的养鸡场很远,所以你不可能在天黑前徒步回来的。

①chicken [ˈtʃikən] n.小鸡,鸡肉

②farm [fɑ:m] n.农场,饲养场,畜牧场

③hill [hil] n.小山,山岗,高地

④distance [ˈdistəns] n.距离,间距;遥远,远方 in the distance 在远处

⑤impossible [imˈpɔsəbəl] a.不可能的

⑥return [riˈtə:n] v.返回;恢复;归还 n.返回

⑦foot [fut] n.脚,足;英尺 on foot 步行地

172. She pulled the door open and hurried inside to find the answers to this quiz.她推开门,匆匆跑进去找这次测试的答案。

①pull [pul] v.拉,拖,拔;移动 n.拉,拖;拉(引)力

②hurry [ˈhʌri] vi.匆忙 vt.催促;急运(派) n.急(匆)忙

③inside [inˈsaid] ad./ prep.在…里面;少于 n./ a.里面(的)

④answer [ˈɑ:nsə] n.回答;答案 v.回答;解答;响应 answer to … ……的回答

⑤quiz [kwiz] n.智力竞赛;小测验

173.The temperature in summer will be above 38 degrees while in winter it will be below the zero.夏天的气温将会超过 38度,然而到了冬天,气温就降到零度以下。

①temperature [ˈtemp(ə)ritʃə] n.温度,体温;热度,发烧

②summer [ˈsʌmə] n.夏天,夏季

③above [əˈbʌv] prep.在…上方;多(大,高)于 ad.在上面

④degree [diˈgri:] n.度,度数;程度;学位

⑤winter [ˈwintə] n.冬,冬季

⑥below [biˈləu] prep.在…下;[地位等]低于 ad.在下面

⑦zero [ˈziərəu] num.零 n.零点,零度

174. It is predicted that the number of readers will continue to reduce so the leader decided to stop selling this kind of magazine forever.预计读者数量将会继续减少,领导决定永远停止出售这种杂志。

①predict [priˈdikt] vt.预言,预测,预告

②the number of ……的数量

③reader [ˈri:də] n.读者

④continue [kənˈtinju:] v.继续,延续

continue to do sth继续去做某事。 表示继续去做与目前所做的事情不同的另一件事情。

continue doing sth表示继续去做同一件事情

⑤reduce [riˈdju:s] vt.减少,缩小

⑥leader [ˈli:də] n.领袖,领导者

⑦decide [diˈsaid] v.决定,判断;(使)决定 decide to do sth 决定做……

⑧stop [stɔp] v.停止,中断;阻止

stop doing sth 停止正在做的事

stop to do sth (停止正在做的事)去做另一件不同的事

⑨sell [sel] v.卖,出售,推销

⑩kind [kaind] n.种类 a.亲切的,和蔼的,仁慈的 a/the/this kind of 这种;一种

11magazine [ˌmægəˈzi:n] n.杂志,期刊

12forever [fəˈrevə] ad.永远,老是

175.Although both juice and coffee are drinks, neither juice nor coffee can take the place of water.虽然果汁和咖啡都是饮料,但两者都无法取代水。

①although [ɔ:lˈðəu] conj.虽然,尽管

②both … and … ……和……都

③juice [dʒu(:)s] n.汁,液

④coffee [ˈkɔfi] n.咖啡

⑤drink [driŋk] n.饮料,酒 v.饮,喝(酒等)

⑥neither [ˈnaiðə] pron.(两者)无一个 ad.也不

neither … nor … 既不……,也不……

⑦take the place of 代替,取代

176.The student thought the course is very boring so he began to play some trick on his deskmate.这名学生认为这门课程很无聊,所以他开始去恶作剧他的同桌。

①course [kɔ:s] n.课程;过程;做法;路线

②boring [ˈbɔ:riŋ] a.令人厌烦的,乏味的,无聊的

③trick [trik] n.诡计;诀窍;戏法

play trick on sb 开……的玩笑

④deskmate ['desk,meɪt] n. 同桌

177. Every time I passed this way, I walked with a quick step because I was afraid the dog might bite me even though it was lock.每次我经过这条路,我都加快脚步,因为我恐怕那条狗可能会要我即使它被锁住了。

①pass [pɑ:s] v.经过;传递;通过;流逝

②quick [kwik] a.快的;灵敏的;性急的

③step [step] n.(脚)步;步骤;台阶 vi.行走;踏上

④afraid [əˈfreid] a.害怕(恐惧)的;恐怕,遗憾的

I’m afraid that … 我恐怕……

⑤might [mait] aux. v.[may的过去式];可能

⑥bite [bait] v.咬,叮 n.咬,叮

⑦even though 即使; 虽然

⑧lock [lɔk] v.锁上;卡住 n.锁

178. Both his teachers and parents thought he was very foolish because he couldn’t count up to ten at an early age.他的老师和父母都认为他很傻,因为他小时候数数都数不到十。

①parent [ˈpɛərənt] n.父亲,母亲,家长

②foolish [ˈfu:liʃ] a.愚蠢的,荒谬的,可笑的

③count [kaunt] vt.计算;认为 vi.计算

count up to数到……

④age [eidʒ] n.年龄 at … age 在……年龄

179. When the danger comes, the male elephants will form a circle and shake their big ears to protect their children.当危险来临时,雄性大象会形成一个圈,然后摇动他们的大耳朵来保护他们的孩子。

①danger [ˈdeindʒə] n.危险;危险事物,威胁

②male [meil] a.男(性)的,雄的 n.男子

③elephant [ˈelifənt] n.象

④form [fɔ:m] n.形式;外形;表格 v.形(构)成,产生

⑤circle [ˈsə:kəl] n.圆(圈);界,阶层

⑥shake [ʃeik] n./v.摇动,摇;(使)颤抖,震动

⑦ear [iə] n.耳,耳朵

⑧protect [prəˈtekt] vt.保护,保卫

180. My brown bicycle went wrong at the top of the hill so I had to push it all way down. 我的棕色的自行车在山丘顶上坏了,所以我不得不把他一路推下来。

①brown [braun] a.棕色的,褐色的 n.棕色,褐色

②bicycle [ˈbaisik(ə)l] n.自行车 vi.骑自行车

③go wrong 出错,犯错误;发生故障,出毛病

④top [tɔp] n.顶;上部 a.最高的 at the top of 在……的顶部

⑤hill [hil] n.小山,山岗

⑥push [puʃ] v./ n.推,按;推动,促进;催逼

181. Though the honest boy was born in Africa, he went to America by ship and wished that he could rely on himself in America.虽然这个诚实的男孩出生于非洲,但他坐船来到美国并希望在美国能自力更生。

①honest [ˈɔnist] a.诚实的,正直的;坦诚的

②born [bɔ:n] a.出生的,产生的;天生的

③Africa [ˈæfrikə] n.非洲

④America [əˈmerikə] n.美洲;美国

⑤ship [ʃip] n.船(舶),舰 by ship 坐船地

⑥wish [wiʃ] vt.希望;祝愿 vi.盼望 n.愿望[ pl.]祝愿

⑦rely [riˈlai] vi.(on)依靠,依赖;信赖,指望 rely on sb/sth 依靠,依赖……

182. They still remembered that after dinner, they ever used to play Chinese chess under the street lamp while eating the pears.他们仍记得以前常常在晚饭过后,坐在路灯下边下象棋边吃梨的情景。

①remember [riˈmembə] v.记得,记住

②dinner [ˈdinə] n.正餐,主餐

③used to do sth 过去常常…

④chess [tʃes] n.国际象棋 play chess 下国际象棋

⑤under [ˈʌndə] prep./ ad.在…下面

⑥lamp [læmp] n.灯

⑦pear [pɛə] n.梨(树)

183. Although I had read the book several times, I still failed to understand its title.虽然我已经把这篇文章读了几遍,但我仍无法理解他的标题。

①several [ˈsevərəl] a.几个,若干,数个

several times 若干次

②fail [feil] vi.失败;失灵 vt.没有通过 fail to do sth 做……失败

③understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] v.理解,懂;意识到

④title [ˈtaitl] n.题目;称号,头衔

184. The weather throughout the world becomes more changeable so the scientist decided to adopt new ways to forecast it.全世界的天气都变化多端,所以科学家决定采取新的方法来预报。

①weather [ˈweðə] n.天气,气象

②throughout [θru(:)ˈaut] prep.遍及;贯穿 ad.到处;自始至终

③become [biˈkʌm] vi.变成,开始变得

④changeable [ˈtʃeindʒəbəl] a.易变的;可换的

⑤adopt [əˈdɔpt] vt.收养;采取(纳,用);

⑥way [wei] n.方法;路

⑦forecast [ˈfɔ:kɑ:st] n./vt.预测,预报

185. The river is not only wide but also about eight kilometers in length so you can always see a lot of boats on it.这条河不仅宽而且有 8000米长,所以你总能看见许多小船在河上。

①river [ˈrivə] n.河,江,川

②not only … but also … 不仅……,而且……

③wide [waid] a.宽阔的;广泛的

④kilometer [ˈkiləˌmi:tə] n.千米,公里

⑤length [leŋθ] n.长,长度,距离

⑥boat [bəut] n.船,小船

186. You will certainly go mad if you continue to work in such a noisy place.如果你继续在如此喧嚣的环境中工作,你一定会疯掉的。

①certainly [ˈsə:tənli] ad.必定,一定;当然

②mad [mæd] a.疯的;恼火的;狂热的 go mad 发疯

③continue [kənˈtinju:] v.继续,延续

④noisy [ˈnɔizi] a.嘈杂的,喧闹的

187. The net was broken so the wild animal must have escaped from the hole on the net .由于网破了,野生动物肯定从这张网的洞里逃走了。

①broken ['brəʊkən] adj. 坏掉的, 断掉的, 打破的

②wild [waild] a.野生的;荒凉的;狂热的;野蛮的

③must have + V过去分词 表示对过去事实的推测

④escape [iˈskeip] vi.逃跑;逸出 vt.逃避,避开

⑤hole [həul] n.洞,孔眼,洞穴

⑥net [net] n.网(状系统)

188. As the saying goes, “Strike the iron while it is hot.” Since you have left the last step of the task, why not finish it tonight?既然你还剩下任务的最后一步,为什么不在今晚完成他呢。

①saying ['seɪɪŋ] n. 说话, 发表言论; 格言, 谚语, 警句

②strike [straik] v./ n.罢工;袭击;打;折磨

③iron [ˈaiən] n.铁;烙铁,熨斗

④leave [li:v] v.出发;离开;留下

⑤last [lɑ:st] a.刚过去的;最后的

⑥step [step] n.(脚)步;步骤;台阶 vi.行走;踏上

⑦task [tɑ:sk] n.任务,工作,作业

⑧Why not + V原 = Why don’t you + V原 为什么不(做……)

⑨finish [ˈfiniʃ] v.完成结束

⑩tonight [təˈnait] n.今晚

189. It is generous of you to share the delicious seafood with us and in return we will send you some foreign sweets.你能和我们分享这些可口的海鲜,真是太慷慨了。作为回报,我们送你一些海外的糖果。

①generous [ˈdʒenərəs] a.慷慨的;宽厚的

②share [ʃeə] v.分享,分担;分配

③delicious [diˈliʃəs] a.美味的,芬芳的

④seafood [ˈsi:ˌfu:d] n. 海产食品, 海味

⑤in return 作为回报,作为报答;反过来

⑥send [send] vt.送,寄;派遣,打发;发送

⑦foreign [ˈfɔrin] a.外国的;对外的

⑧sweet [swi:t] a.甜的;可爱的 n.[ pl.]糖果

190. Before she threw these useless files into the litter bin, the secretary took the pins away for the future use.在把无用的文件扔进废纸箱以前,这位秘书拿走了上面的别针以便以后使用。

①throw [θrəu] vt.扔;使突然陷入;使困惑

②useless [ˈju:sləs] a.无用的,无价值的,无效的

③file [fail] n.档案;文件夹

④litter [ˈlitə] n.废弃物;一窝;杂乱的东西 v.乱扔东西

⑤bin [bin] n.垃圾箱

⑥secretary [ˈsekrətəri] n.秘书;书记;部长,大臣

⑦pin [ˈpin] n.别针;徽(像)章;钉子

⑧future [ˈfju:tʃə] a.将来的 n.将来,未来

191. It is a pity that all the tickets for the airline from Beijing to Shanghai have been sold out .很遗憾所有从北京到上海的机票都卖完了。

①pity [ˈpiti] n.同情,怜悯;遗憾 vt.同情,怜悯

②ticket [ˈtikit] n.票,车票

③airline [ˈɛəlain] n. 航线; 最短距离; 航空公司

④sell [sel] v.卖,出售,推销 sell out 售完,脱销

192. She was a bit sad when she read the headline of the newspaper.当他读了报纸的把标题后,有点悲伤。

①a bit 多少,有点儿

②sad [sæd] adj. 悲哀的; 糟透了的; 令人悲痛的

③headline [ˈhedlain] n.大字标题;[ pl.]新闻提要

④newspaper [ˈnju:sˌpeipə] n.报纸

193. As a top student, you should feel a deep sense of shame for you haven’t handed in your homework for several days.作为一名优等生,你应该为几天没上交作业感到羞耻。

①top [tɔp] n.顶;上部 a.最高的

②feel [fi:l] vi.觉得;给人以…感觉 vt.摸;认为

③deep [di:p] a.深(厚,切,刻,奥)的 adv.深深地,在深处

④sense [sens] n.感官(觉);判断力,见识;意思 vt.觉得

a sense of ……感(例:a sense of humor 幽默感)

⑤shame [ʃeim] n.羞耻;可惜 vt.使丢脸

⑥hand [hænd] vt.交,递 hand in 上交

194. The mother had lay the table and hoped that his son would knock at the door as soon as possible.这位母亲已经布置好了餐桌,希望他的儿子尽快敲门。

①lay [lei] v.置放;铺;产(蛋,卵);设置

②table [ˈteibəl] n.桌(台)子;表格

③knock [nɔk] V./n.敲,打;碰撞,撞击

knock at the door 敲门

195. Finally the scientist not only discovered a new disease but also invented new medicine against it.最后,这名科学家不仅发现了一种新型疾病,而且还发明了新药来治它。

①finally [ˈfainəli] ad.最后,终于

②discover [disˈkʌvə] vt.发现,找到,发觉

③disease [diˈzi:z] n.病,疾病

④invent [inˈvent] vt.发明,创造

⑤medicine [ˈmedisin] n.内服药;医学

⑥against [a·geinst] prep. 相反; 逆着; 反对

196. Even in his fifties, the old man still keeps getting up early and having a walk for one hour in order to keep fit.甚至在他50几岁时,这位老人仍坚持早起,慢走一个小时以保持健康。

①in sb’s + 整十位基数词的复数形式(≥20) 在某人几十多岁的时候

②keep [ki:p] v.(使)保持,(使)继续;阻止

keep doing sth 不停的做……

③get up 起床

④early [ˈə:li] a.早(期)的,在前的

⑤have a walk 散散步

⑥in order to do sth 为了(做某事)

⑦keep fit 保持健康

⑥lamp [læmp] n.灯

⑦pear [pɛə] n.梨(树)

183. Although I had read the book several times, I still failed to understand its title.虽然我已经把这篇文章读了几遍,但我仍无法理解他的标题。

①several [ˈsevərəl] a.几个,若干,数个

several times 若干次

②fail [feil] vi.失败;失灵 vt.没有通过 fail to do sth 做……失败

③understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] v.理解,懂;意识到

④title [ˈtaitl] n.题目;称号,头衔

184. The weather throughout the world becomes more changeable so the scientist decided to adopt new ways to forecast it.全世界的天气都变化多端,所以科学家决定采取新的方法来预报。

①weather [ˈweðə] n.天气,气象

②throughout [θru(:)ˈaut] prep.遍及;贯穿 ad.到处;自始至终

③become [biˈkʌm] vi.变成,开始变得

④changeable [ˈtʃeindʒəbəl] a.易变的;可换的

⑤adopt [əˈdɔpt] vt.收养;采取(纳,用);

⑥way [wei] n.方法;路

⑦forecast [ˈfɔ:kɑ:st] n./vt.预测,预报

185. The river is not only wide but also about eight kilometers in length so you can always see a lot of boats on it.这条河不仅宽而且有 8000米长,所以你总能看见许多小船在河上。

①river [ˈrivə] n.河,江,川

②not only … but also … 不仅……,而且……

③wide [waid] a.宽阔的;广泛的

④kilometer [ˈkiləˌmi:tə] n.千米,公里

⑤length [leŋθ] n.长,长度,距离

⑥boat [bəut] n.船,小船

186. You will certainly go mad if you continue to work in such a noisy place.如果你继续在如此喧嚣的环境中工作,你一定会疯掉的。

①certainly [ˈsə:tənli] ad.必定,一定;当然

②mad [mæd] a.疯的;恼火的;狂热的 go mad 发疯

③continue [kənˈtinju:] v.继续,延续

④noisy [ˈnɔizi] a.嘈杂的,喧闹的

187. The net was broken so the wild animal must have escaped from the hole on the net .由于网破了,野生动物肯定从这张网的洞里逃走了。

①broken ['brəʊkən] adj. 坏掉的, 断掉的, 打破的

②wild [waild] a.野生的;荒凉的;狂热的;野蛮的

③must have + V过去分词 表示对过去事实的推测

④escape [iˈskeip] vi.逃跑;逸出 vt.逃避,避开

⑤hole [həul] n.洞,孔眼,洞穴

⑥net [net] n.网(状系统)

188. As the saying goes, “Strike the iron while it is hot.” Since you have left the last step of the task, why not finish it tonight?既然你还剩下任务的最后一步,为什么不在今晚完成他呢。

①saying ['seɪɪŋ] n. 说话, 发表言论; 格言, 谚语, 警句

②strike [straik] v./ n.罢工;袭击;打;折磨

③iron [ˈaiən] n.铁;烙铁,熨斗

④leave [li:v] v.出发;离开;留下

⑤last [lɑ:st] a.刚过去的;最后的

⑥step [step] n.(脚)步;步骤;台阶 vi.行走;踏上

⑦task [tɑ:sk] n.任务,工作,作业

⑧Why not + V原 = Why don’t you + V原 为什么不(做……)

⑨finish [ˈfiniʃ] v.完成结束

⑩tonight [təˈnait] n.今晚

189. It is generous of you to share the delicious seafood with us and in return we will send you some foreign sweets.你能和我们分享这些可口的海鲜,真是太慷慨了。作为回报,我们送你一些海外的糖果。

①generous [ˈdʒenərəs] a.慷慨的;宽厚的

②share [ʃeə] v.分享,分担;分配

③delicious [diˈliʃəs] a.美味的,芬芳的

④seafood [ˈsi:ˌfu:d] n. 海产食品, 海味

⑤in return 作为回报,作为报答;反过来

⑥send [send] vt.送,寄;派遣,打发;发送

⑦foreign [ˈfɔrin] a.外国的;对外的

⑧sweet [swi:t] a.甜的;可爱的 n.[ pl.]糖果

190. Before she threw these useless files into the litter bin, the secretary took the pins away for the future use.在把无用的文件扔进废纸箱以前,这位秘书拿走了上面的别针以便以后使用。

①throw [θrəu] vt.扔;使突然陷入;使困惑

②useless [ˈju:sləs] a.无用的,无价值的,无效的

③file [fail] n.档案;文件夹

④litter [ˈlitə] n.废弃物;一窝;杂乱的东西 v.乱扔东西

⑤bin [bin] n.垃圾箱

⑥secretary [ˈsekrətəri] n.秘书;书记;部长,大臣

⑦pin [ˈpin] n.别针;徽(像)章;钉子

⑧future [ˈfju:tʃə] a.将来的 n.将来,未来

191. It is a pity that all the tickets for the airline from Beijing to Shanghai have been sold out .很遗憾所有从北京到上海的机票都卖完了。

①pity [ˈpiti] n.同情,怜悯;遗憾 vt.同情,怜悯

②ticket [ˈtikit] n.票,车票

③airline [ˈɛəlain] n. 航线; 最短距离; 航空公司

④sell [sel] v.卖,出售,推销

sell out 售完,脱销

192. She was a bit sad when she read the headline of the newspaper.当他读了报纸的把标题后,有点悲伤。

①a bit 多少,有点儿

②sad [sæd] adj. 悲哀的; 糟透了的; 令人悲痛的

③headline [ˈhedlain] n.大字标题;[ pl.]新闻提要

④newspaper [ˈnju:sˌpeipə] n.报纸

193. As a top student, you should feel a deep sense of shame for you haven’t handed in your homework for several days.作为一名优等生,你应该为几天没上交作业感到羞耻。

①top [tɔp] n.顶;上部 a.最高的

②feel [fi:l] vi.觉得;给人以…感觉 vt.摸;认为

③deep [di:p] a.深(厚,切,刻,奥)的 adv.深深地,在深处

④sense [sens] n.感官(觉);判断力,见识;意思 vt.觉得

a sense of ……感(例:a sense of humor 幽默感)

⑤shame [ʃeim] n.羞耻;可惜 vt.使丢脸

⑥hand [hænd] vt.交,递 hand in 上交

194. The mother had lay the table and hoped that his son would knock at the door as soon as possible.这位母亲已经布置好了餐桌,希望他的儿子尽快敲门。

①lay [lei] v.置放;铺;产(蛋,卵);设置

②table [ˈteibəl] n.桌(台)子;表格

③knock [nɔk] V./n.敲,打;碰撞,撞击

knock at the door 敲门

195. Finally the scientist not only discovered a new disease but also invented new medicine against it.最后,这名科学家不仅发现了一种新型疾病,而且还发明了新药来治它。

①finally [ˈfainəli] ad.最后,终于

②discover [disˈkʌvə] vt.发现,找到,发觉

③disease [diˈzi:z] n.病,疾病

④invent [inˈvent] vt.发明,创造

⑤medicine [ˈmedisin] n.内服药;医学

⑥against [a·geinst] prep. 相反; 逆着; 反对

196. Even in his fifties, the old man still keeps getting up early and having a walk for one hour in order to keep fit.甚至在他50几岁时,这位老人仍坚持早起,慢走一个小时以保持健康。

①in sb’s + 整十位基数词的复数形式(≥20) 在某人几十多岁的时候

②keep [ki:p] v.(使)保持,(使)继续;阻止

keep doing sth 不停的做……

③get up 起床

④early [ˈə:li] a.早(期)的,在前的

⑤have a walk 散散步

⑥in order to do sth 为了(做某事)

⑦keep fit 保持健康

197. Every Sunday, the little girl has to have a piano lesson after she completes her homework..每个周日,小女孩不得不在完成作业后去上钢琴课。

①piano [piˈænəu] n.钢琴

②have a … lesson 上……课

③complete [kəmˈpli:t] a.完整的;十足的;完成的 vt.完成;使完全

198. In most American families, every family member is responsible for housework except the babies, the ill and the aged.在大多数美国家庭中,除了婴儿,病人和老人外,每个家庭成软都要负责做家务。

①most [məust] ad.最;十分 a.最多的;大部分的 n.大多数

②family [ˈfæməli] n.家,家庭;亲属;家族

③member [ˈmembə] n.成员,会员

④responsible [riˈspɔnsəbəl] a.承担责任的;有责任感的

be responsible for 对……有责任

⑤housework [ˈhauswə:k] n.家务劳动

⑥except [ikˈsept] conj.除了;要不是,但是 prep.除…外

⑦ill [il] a.有病的;坏的;恶意的

⑧aged [eidʒd] a.…岁的;(年)老的

199. Every year on average, five million people all over the world die of smoking so you should give it up as soon as possible.每年,全世界平均有五百人死于吸烟,所以你应该尽早戒烟。

①average [ˈævəridʒ] a.平均的;平常的 n.平均数 on average 平均地

②million [ˈmiljən] num.百万,百万个

③all over the world 全世界

④die [dai] vi.死;停止运行

die of sth 死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因)

die from sth 死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因)

⑤smoking [ˈsməukiŋ] n. 吸烟(区)

⑥give up 放弃

200. Students in big cities like to bring the latest high-tech things to school, and feel happy and pleased to show off these things to others.在大城市里的学生喜欢把最新的高科技的事物带到学校来,并且很开心在他人面前炫耀这些东西。

①city [ˈsiti] n.城市,都市

②latest ['leɪtɪst] adj. 最新的; 最迟的; 最近的

③pleased [pli:zd] a.高兴的

④show off 炫耀,卖弄

