在英文中,"顺利完成任务"可以表达为 "Successfully complete a task" 或者 "Successfully fulfill a mission"。"Successfully" 表示成功地,"complete" 和 "fulfill" 都意味着执行完毕,达到预期目标。例如:
1. I successfully completed the project within the deadline.
2. She flawlessly fulfilled her assigned duties.
"Successfully completed the task" 是直接而简洁的英文表达,它表示某项工作或活动已经按计划和预期顺利地结束。例如:
After diligent effort, the task was successfully completed within the stipulated time.
Her diligent work paid off when she successfully completed the assignment without any issues.
The project was concluded satisfactorily; every objective was accomplished on schedule.
1. I have successfully accomplished the assigned project, meeting all the deadlines and requirements.
2. The team completed the project successfully, delivering exceptional results.
3. She rose to the challenge and successfully finished her research task with flying colors.
4. The mission's objectives were fulfilled effortlessly; it was a job well done.
5. Thanks to their hard work, the construction project was smoothly and successfully completed.