1. "Dear John, I'm sending this letter with a PS - please let me know if you'll be able to make it to the meeting next week. PS: It's your birthday too, happy birthday!"
2. "In case I forget, PS: Please bring the agenda for the meeting. I've already prepared one at home."
3. "Thanks for your help, PS: If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I'm always here."
1. FWYI (For Your Information):用于无意中分享信息,表示“供你参考”。
2. BFF (Best Friend Forever):表示“永远的好朋友”。
3. FYI (Friend, You're Important):一种友好的方式表达自己在意对方。
4. BTW (By The Way):用于插入一个与主题相关的额外信息。
5. NVM (No Big Deal, Never Mind):朋友间用于表示某事无需在意或解释的情况。
6. HUGO (Hugs and Good Vibes Only):传达正面的情感支持。
在个人备注中,你还可以根据你们的友谊特色创造专属的缩写,比如你们之间的特定术语或笑话。例如,"HB (Hanging By)'s been good" 表示“最近还好”。
附言 "PS" 通常在句子或段落的结尾使用,用句点隔开,以强调或添加额外信息。以下是正确写法的例子:
1. "Please remember to buy the ingredients. PS: Don't forget the salt, it's usually the first thing I forget."
2. "I'm looking forward to your reply. PS: If you have any questions, feel free to ask."
3. "Enjoy your day, see you at the office. PS: My meeting starts at 2 PM, so don't be late."
1. 在信件中:
PS: I just remembered, don't forget to bring your umbrella, the weather report says it's going to rain.
2. 在电子邮件中:
Best regards,
PS: If you need more details, please find the attached PDF in the second attachment.
3. 在文档或论文中:
PS: For further discussion, please refer to the supplementary materials in the endnotes.
4. 多个PS:
PS: Let's meet for coffee tomorrow. PS: I'll bring the agenda.