中国传统节日春节: Spring Festival除夕: Lunar New Year's Eve元宵节: The Lantern Festival二月二: Dragon Heads-raising Day清明节: Tomb Sweeping Day端午节: Dragon Boat Festival七夕情人节: Chinese Valentine's Day重阳节: Double-Ninth Festival中秋节: Mid-Autumn Festival国庆节: National Day元旦: New Year's Day冬至: WInter Solstice Festival腊八节: Laba Festival小年: Little New Year
其他节日情人节: the Valllentine's Day五一劳动节: Labour Day儿童节: Children's Day母亲节: Mother's Day父亲节: Father's Day妇女节: Women's Day青年节: Youth Day教师节: Teacher's Day建党节: CPC Founding Day建军节: Army Day护士节: Nurse Day
国外的节日圣诞节: Christmas感恩节: Thanksgiving Day平安夜: Christmas Eve复活节: Easter万圣节: Halloween愚人节: April Fool's Day
中国传统节日春节: Spring Festival除夕: Lunar New Year's Eve元宵节: The Lantern Festival二月二: Dragon Heads-raising Day清明节: Tomb Sweeping Day端午节: Dragon Boat Festival七夕情人节: Chinese Valentine's Day重阳节: Double-Ninth Festival中秋节: Mid-Autumn Festival国庆节: National Day元旦: New Year's Day冬至: WInter Solstice Festival腊八节: Laba Festival小年: Little New Year
其他节日情人节: the Valllentine's Day五一劳动节: Labour Day儿童节: Children's Day母亲节: Mother's Day父亲节: Father's Day妇女节: Women's Day青年节: Youth Day教师节: Teacher's Day建党节: CPC Founding Day建军节: Army Day护士节: Nurse Day
国外的节日圣诞节: Christmas感恩节: Thanksgiving Day平安夜: Christmas Eve复活节: Easter万圣节: Halloween愚人节: April Fool's Day