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时间:2023-09-29 11:23:45 作者:行尸走肉 来源:网友分享










The Xiangji Temple has a long history and cultural heritage. Today, it has become a place of pilgrimage for many people who believe in Buddhism. In the Xiangji Temple, many tourists and believers burn incense to pray for health, family happiness, and financial prosperity. Here, people can feel a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.。

Through the Xiangji Temple is not only a Buddhist temple, but also a cultural relic. The temple houses many historical。


过香积寺。过香积寺,。洒满清幽,。看山色异,。闻香阵沉。楼阁罗列,。翠微云端,。数树梅花,。映日红艳。不知老禅师,。寂寞如何?。昼坐掩扉,。惟一本经。开卷有益,。目远心清,。琴声何处?。更在金山。Full translation:。Passing by Xiangji Temple,。Gaze at the unique colors of the hills,。Catch the scent of incense wafting over the temple.。The buildings and towers are arranged in harmony,。The greenery reaches up to the clouds,。A few plum trees in full bloom,。Reflecting the vivid color of the sun.。I wonder how the old Zen master,。Lives lonely in silence.。Sitting still all day behind closed doors,。With only one sutra for company.。Reading is beneficial,。Clearing the mind and expanding the sight,。But where does the sound of the guqin come from?。Translation:。Passing by Xiangji Temple,。Observe the hills' unique colors,。And inhale the scent of incense.。The buildings and towers arranged harmoniously,。And greenery reaching toward the clouds.。A few plum trees in full bloom,。Reflecting the sun's brilliant hues.。I cannot help but wonder,。How the old Zen master lives in solitude.。Sitting behind closed doors all day,。With nothing but a single sutra.。Reading is good for the mind,。Clearing and expanding it too,。But where does that exquisite guqin sound come from?。Translation:。Passing by Xiangji Temple,。Serene and peaceful surroundings,。Hills with unique colors,。And the scent of incense all around.。Buildings and towers in perfect harmony,。Greenery reaching up to the clouds,。A few plum trees in full bloom,。Reflecting the sun's vibrant light.。One cannot help but wonder,。How the old Zen master lives in seclusion.。Sitting behind closed doors,。With just one book to keep him company.。Reading, which can strengthen the mind,。And expand one's understanding of the world,。But where does the soothing sound of the guqin come from?。


