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时间:2023-10-06 04:39:17 作者:心软是病 来源:网络







import requests。

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup。

# 获取星座运势。

def get_fortune(constellation):。

url = "{0}/".format(constellation)。


res = requests.get(url)。

res.encoding = 'utf-8'。

soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')。

fortune = soup.select('.c_cont p')[0].text。

return fortune。


return "获取失败"。

# 测试。






# 分析星座运势。

def analyze_fortune(fortune):。

if '幸运色' in fortune:。

lucky_color = fortune.split('幸运色:')[1].split(',')[0]。


lucky_color = "未知"。

if '贵人星座' in fortune:。

lucky_constellation = fortune.split('贵人星座:')[1].split(',')[0]。


lucky_constellation = "未知"。

return lucky_color, lucky_constellation。

# 测试。

lucky_color, lucky_constellation = analyze_fortune(fortune)。

print("幸运色:{0},贵人星座:{1}".format(lucky_color, lucky_constellation))。






import matplotlib.pyplot as plt。

# 绘制柱状图。

def draw_bar(lucky_color, lucky_constellation):。

x = ['幸运色', '贵人星座']。

y = [lucky_color, lucky_constellation]。

plt(x, y)。


# 测试。

lucky_color, lucky_constellation = analyze_fortune(fortune)。

draw_bar(lucky_color, lucky_constellation)。





1. 星座运势。根据公历生日,可以通过以下代码计算出对应的星座:。```python。def get_constellation(month, day):。constellation = ""。if month == 1 and day >= 20 or month == 2 and day <= 18:。constellation = "水瓶座"。elif month == 2 and day >= 19 or month == 3 and day <= 20:。constellation = "双鱼座"。elif month == 3 and day >= 21 or month == 4 and day <= 19:。constellation = "白羊座"。elif month == 4 and day >= 20 or month == 5 and day <= 20:。constellation = "金牛座"。elif month == 5 and day >= 21 or month == 6 and day <= 21:。constellation = "双子座"。elif month == 6 and day >= 22 or month == 7 and day <= 22:。constellation = "巨蟹座"。elif month == 7 and day >= 23 or month == 8 and day <= 22:。constellation = "狮子座"。elif month == 8 and day >= 23 or month == 9 and day <= 22:。constellation = "座"。elif month == 9 and day >= 23 or month == 10 and day <= 23:。constellation = "天秤座"。elif month == 10 and day >= 24 or month == 11 and day <= 22:。constellation = "天蝎座"。elif month == 11 and day >= 23 or month == 12 and day <= 21:。constellation = "射手座"。elif month == 12 and day >= 22 or month == 1 and day <= 19:。constellation = "摩羯座"。return constellation。# 示例。birthday = "2000-01-01"。month, day = map(int, birthday.split("-")[1:])。print(get_constellation(month, day))# 摩羯座。```。对于每个星座,可以设置一段文字描述其运势,如下所示:。```python。fortune_dict = {。"水瓶座": "这一周好像有点难度呢,水瓶座的你需要谨慎对待每一个环节,尤其是工作方面,不然一不小心会走偏。",。"双鱼座": "这一周你需要多注意沟通,尤其是和你的另一半之间的沟通,如果发现自己的情绪有些低落,不妨去散散步,呼吸一下新鲜空气。",。"白羊座": "这一周白羊座的你会感受到火热的工。


以下是使用Python编写的每日星座运势程序,可以根据用户输入的星座来输出当天的运势预测。预测内容是从网络上获取的,每日会自动更新。```python。import requests。from bs4 import BeautifulSoup。def get_fortune(zodiac):。url = "{}/".format(zodiac)。page = requests.get(url)。soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser')。today_fortune = soup.find(class_="c_cont")。fortune_str = ""。for i in today_fortune.children:。if i.string is not None:。fortune_str += i.string.strip() + "\n"。return fortune_str。zodiacs = {'白羊座': 'aries',。'金牛座': 'taurus',。'双子座': 'gemini',。'巨蟹座': 'cancer',。'狮子座': 'leo',。'座': 'virgo',。'天秤座': 'libra',。'天蝎座': 'scorpio',。'射手座': 'sagittarius',。'摩羯座': 'capricorn',。'水瓶座': 'aquarius',。'双鱼座': 'pisces'。}。zodiac = input('请输入你的星座:')。if zodiac in zodiacs:。zodiac = zodiacs[zodiac]。print(get_fortune(zodiac))。else:。print('输入的星座有误,请重新输入!')。```。运行程序后会提示用户输入星座,输入后会输出当天的星座运势预测。如果用户输入的星座不在支持的星座列表中,程序会提示用户重新输入。


但是我可以为您提供一个简单的Python代码,让您根据输入的生日来获取星座运势:。```python。def horoscope(birthdate):。# 将生日字符串转换为日期格式。from datetime import datetime。birthdate = datetime.strptime(birthdate, '%Y-%m-%d')。month, day = birthdate.month, birthdate.day。# 根据月份和日期确定星座。if (month == 1 and day >= 20) or (month == 2 and day <= 18):。sign = "Aquarius"。elif (month == 2 and day >= 19) or (month == 3 and day <= 20):。sign = "Pisces"。elif (month == 3 and day >= 21) or (month == 4 and day <= 19):。sign = "Aries"。elif (month == 4 and day >= 20) or (month == 5 and day <= 20):。sign = "Taurus"。elif (month == 5 and day >= 21) or (month == 6 and day <= 20):。sign = "Gemini"。elif (month == 6 and day >= 21) or (month == 7 and day <= 22):。sign = "Cancer"。elif (month == 7 and day >= 23) or (month == 8 and day <= 22):。sign = "Leo"。elif (month == 8 and day >= 23) or (month == 9 and day <= 22):。sign = "Virgo"。elif (month == 9 and day >= 23) or (month == 10 and day <= 22):。sign = "Libra"。elif (month == 10 and day >= 23) or (month == 11 and day <= 21):。sign = "Scorpio"。elif (month == 11 and day >= 22) or (month == 12 and day <= 21):。sign = "Sagittarius"。else:。sign = "Capricorn"。# 输出星座和运势。print("Your horoscope is", sign)。# 这里可以添加代码获取相应星座的运势,可以参考星座运势网站。```。您可以在函数中添加获取星座运势的代码,也可以在调用函数时传入星座来获取运势。例如:。```python。horoscope("1990-02-04") # 输出:Your horoscope is Aquarius。```。祝您好运!。


但是,我可以提供一些提示,帮助你开始编写一个星座运势预测程序:。1. 选择一些可靠的星座运势数据源(例如星座运势网站)来获取每日或每周预测。2. 使用Python中的网络爬虫库(例如requests和BeautifulSoup)来爬取所需的数据。3. 通过使用datetime库来获取当前日期,从而确定星座所属的时间段。4. 利用Python中的随机库(例如random)来为每个星座生成随机的运势预测。5. 使用Python中的文本处理库(例如NLTK)来对运势预测进行一些基本的自然语言处理,以便更好地展示结果。注意:在编写程序时,请遵守有关法律法规和网站的使用条款。


以下是一个简单的Python程序,用于获取每日星座运势。程序首先要求用户输入其出生日期,并基于此计算他们的星座。然后程序从一个API中获取每日星座运势,并输出给用户。```python。import requests。import json。from datetime import datetime。# 获取星座名称。def get_star_sign(birthdate):。month = int(birthdate.split('/')[0])。day = int(birthdate.split('/')[1])。if (month == 1 and day <= 19) or (month == 12 and day >= 22):。return '摩羯座'。elif (month == 1 and day >= 20) or (month == 2 and day <= 18):。return '水瓶座'。elif (month == 2 and day >= 19) or (month == 3 and day <= 20):。return '双鱼座'。elif (month == 3 and day >= 21) or (month == 4 and day <= 19):。return '白羊座'。elif (month == 4 and day >= 20) or (month == 5 and day <= 20):。return '金牛座'。elif (month == 5 and day >= 21) or (month == 6 and day <= 21):。return '双子座'。elif (month == 6 and day >= 22) or (month == 7 and day <= 22):。return '巨蟹座'。elif (month == 7 and day >= 23) or (month == 8 and day <= 22):。return '狮子座'。elif (month == 8 and day >= 23) or (month == 9 and day <= 22):。return '座'。elif (month == 9 and day >= 23) or (month == 10 and day <= 22):。return '天秤座'。elif (month == 10 and day >= 23) or (month == 11 and day <= 21):。return '天蝎座'。elif (month == 11 and day >= 22) or (month == 12 and day <= 21):。return '射手座'。else:。return '无效日期'。# 获取星座运势。def get_horoscope(sign):。url = ''。key = 'your_key_here' # 请替换为您的API密钥。params = {'key': key, 'consName': sign, 'type': 'today'}。response = requests.get(url, params=params)。result = json.loads(response.text)。if result['error_code'] == 0:。return result['result']['today']['summary']。else:。return '获取运势失败'。# 主程序。birthdate = input('请输入您的出生日期(例如:04/16):')。sign = get_star_sign(birthdate。


实现了以下功能:。1. 输入生日,自动判断星座;。2. 抓取网页上的运势信息,并输出;。3. 可以设置定时任务,每天自动发送当日运势到邮箱。以下是使用Python实现的代码:。```python。import requests。from bs4 import BeautifulSoup。import smtplib。from datetime import datetime。# 判断星座。def check_constellation(birthday):。month_day = birthday[5:]。if month_day >= '03-21' and month_day <= '04-19':。return '白羊座'。elif month_day >= '04-20' and month_day <= '05-20':。return '金牛座'。elif month_day >= '05-21' and month_day <= '06-21':。return '双子座'。elif month_day >= '06-22' and month_day <= '07-22':。return '巨蟹座'。elif month_day >= '07-23' and month_day <= '08-22':。return '狮子座'。elif month_day >= '08-23' and month_day <= '09-22':。return '座'。elif month_day >= '09-23' and month_day <= '10-23':。return '天秤座'。elif month_day >= '10-24' and month_day <= '11-22':。return '天蝎座'。elif month_day >= '11-23' and month_day <= '12-21':。return '射手座'。elif month_day >= '12-22' or month_day <= '01-19':。return '摩羯座'。elif month_day >= '01-20' and month_day <= '02-18':。return '水瓶座'。else:。return '双鱼座'。# 获取运势信息。def get_fortune(constellation):。url = '' + constellation。html = requests.get(url)ntent.decode('gbk')。soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')。result = soup.find('div', class_='c_cont')。summary = result.find('div', class_='c_sum').text.strip()。love = result.find_all('p')[1].text.strip()。work = result.find_all('p')[2].text.strip()。finance = result.find_all('p')[3].text.strip()。health = result.find_all('p')[4].text.strip()。fortune = '今日%s运势:\n概述:%s\n爱情:%s\n工作:%s\n财运:%s\n健康:%s\n' % (constellation, summary, love, work, finance, health)。return fortune。# 发送邮件。smtp_server = ''。smtp_port = 25。
