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时间:2023-10-01 21:51:40 作者:心软是病 来源:网友分享



白羊座(3月21日 - 4月19日)。


金牛座(4月20日 - 5月20日)。


双子座(5月21日 - 6月21日)。


巨蟹座(6月22日 - 7月22日)。


狮子座(7月23日 - 8月22日)。


座(8月23日 - 9月22日)。


天秤座(9月23日 - 10月23日)。


天蝎座(10月24日 - 11月21日)。


射手座(11月22日 - 12月21日)。



Verse 1:。Aries, you're the first in line。Always leading, always on time。Full of energy, passion and drive。A warrior spirit, never hide。Chorus:。Aries, Aries, you're on fire。With ambition, you'll go higher。Your strength and courage take you far。You're a shining star。Verse 2:。Taurus, you're the steady bull。Reliable, loyal, never dull。Enjoy the finer things in life。Stability, your cornerstone of strife。Chorus:。Taurus, Taurus, you're grounded and true。A hard worker, your dreams come through。You're patient and practical as can be。A reliable friend, always there for me。Verse 3:。Gemini, you're the twins in one。Expressive, quick, and always fun。Your mind races with creativity。Adaptable, your strength in diversity。Chorus:。Gemini, Gemini, you blend and shine。Adventurous, unpredictable, one of a kind。You're witty and charming, always on the go。A social butterfly, life's a show。Verse 4:。Cancer, you're the lunar sign。Emotional, with a heart that's kind。You value family, your home is your nest。Sensitive and nurturing in its best。Chorus:。Cancer, Cancer, you're a moon child。Loving and caring, your spirit is mild。You cherish memories that last a lifetime。A loyal friend, in any clime。Verse 5:。Leo, you're the royal king。Proud, confident, with a strong ring。Your charisma draws people in。Your boldness, a badge of win。Chorus:。Leo, Leo, you're a shining star。Creative and passionate, you set the bar。You're generous and warm, a champion of friends。A leader, a hero, till the end。Verse 6:。Practical, analytical and refined。Your modesty, a virtue not undone。Chorus:。Virgo, Virgo, you're perfectionist。Organized and efficient, always on the list。You're helpful and kind, a true giver。A trusted confidante, life's liver。Verse 7:。Libra, you're the scales of justice。You seek beauty and peace in all you do。Your diplomatic charm, it sees you through。Chorus:。Libra, Libra, you're a mediator。Charming and elegant, a people regulator。A calming influence, in life's riddle。Verse 8:。Scorpio, you're the passionate one。Mysterious, intense, and not to be undone。Your power and uality, they draw us in。Your loyalty and depth, they make us grin。Chorus:。Scorpio, Scorpio, you're a force to be reckoned。Intense and magnetic, your passion beckoned。You're perceptive and fierce, a true knight。A soulmate, a lover, a rock in the night。Verse 9:。Sagittarius, you're the archer's sign。Adventurous, free-spirited, and divine。Your thirst for knowledge is never done。Your。


Verse 1:。白羊座,新年给你来个好消息。运势大好,成功路上有点顺势。爱情桃花,今年多一点浪漫情调。努力奋斗,大财运等你到手。Chorus:。十二星座新年运势,让我们一起揭晓。好运相伴,幸福来敲门。十二星座新年运势,让我们一起期待。有梦想,就会有未来。Verse 2:。金牛座,心情愉悦又安详。稳定有余,财源不断不够抛。工作运势,今年会更加顺畅。爱情甜蜜,有伴侣的你最好。Chorus:。十二星座新年运势,让我们一起揭晓。好运相伴,幸福来敲门。十二星座新年运势,让我们一起期待。有梦想,就会有未来。Verse 3:。双子座,今年你的活力旺盛。多点交往,机遇自然就多一些。谨慎决策,小心被人钓鱼。爱情前景,有进展还需多加努力。Chorus:。十二星座新年运势,让我们一起揭晓。好运相伴,幸福来敲门。十二星座新年运势,让我们一起期待。有梦想,就会有未来。Verse 4:。巨蟹座,新年里你会有好运。家庭幸福,伴侣关系加深。多发掘潜力,才华将得到发扬。感情稳定,幸福从未如此强。Chorus:。十二星座新年运势,让我们一起揭晓。好运相伴,幸福来敲门。十二星座新年运势,让我们一起期待。有梦想,就会有未来。Verse 5:。狮子座,新年里你会更加出彩。事业大展宏图,自信总是溢满。人缘爆棚,热情引领你心跳。爱情幸福,另一半陪你渡过岁月。Chorus:。十二星座新年运势,让我们一起揭晓。好运相伴,幸福来敲门。十。


Verse 1:。Aries, with your fiery heart。You'll chase your dreams right from the start。You're a leader full of energy and passion。And you'll never let setbacks hold you back, no fashion。Chorus:。The stars are aligned for you, my friend。This year, your luck will never end。As you march towards your destiny。May the universe always guide thee。Verse 2:。Taurus, your steady and reliable nature。You're a creature of comfort and stability。And your hard work will bring you lasting serenity。Chorus:。The stars are aligned for you, my friend。This year, your luck will never end。As you march towards your destiny。May the universe always guide thee。Verse 3:。Gemini, with your dual nature and wit。You're a master of communication, don't quit。Your thirst for knowledge will lead you to success。And your adaptability will help you navigate any mess。Chorus:。The stars are aligned for you, my friend。This year, your luck will never end。As you march towards your destiny。May the universe always guide thee。Verse 4:。Cancer, with your emotional depth and intuition。You'll find harmony in your family and your passion。You're a nurturer and a caretaker at heart。And your empathy will help you heal any scars。Chorus:。The stars are aligned for you, my friend。This year, your luck will never end。As you march towards your destiny。May the universe always guide thee。Verse 5:。Leo, with your regal and charismatic nature。You'll light up any room with your grandeur。You're a natural born leader and artist。And your confidence will bring you success, no mist。Chorus:。The stars are aligned for you, my friend。This year, your luck will never end。As you march towards your destiny。May the universe always guide thee。Verse 6:。You'll find success in your work, oh so kind。And your practicality will help you achieve, without any snare。Chorus:。The stars are aligned for you, my friend。This year, your luck will never end。As you march towards your destiny。May the universe always guide thee。Verse 7:。Libra, with your peaceful and balanced soul。You'll bring harmony to any conflict, that's your goal。And your diplomacy will help you succeed, with finesse。Chorus:。The stars are aligned for you, my friend。This year, your luck will never end。As you march towards your destiny。May the universe always guide thee。Verse 8:。Scorpio, with your intense and passionate drive。You'll uncover secrets and power, and thrive。You're a master of transformation and regeneration。And your resilience will help you overcome, any situation。Chorus:。The stars are aligned for you, my friend。This year, your luck will never end。As you march towards your destiny。May the universe always guide thee。Verse 9:。Sagittarius, with your adventurous and optimistic spirit。You'll ride the waves of life with joy and merit。You're a seeker of truth and wisdom。And your open。


(音乐响起)。Verse 1:。白羊座啊,这个月会很忙。但是你的努力会得到回报。工作上可能会有进展。恋爱运势也有点惊喜。Chorus:。十二星座运势,好运有你呢。不必担心失败,前方有光明。无论天蝎还是水瓶。好运都将会降临。Verse 2:。金牛座啊,财运不错哦。但是要注意支出啊。和家人之间有点不和。但是好事情还是会发生。Chorus:。十二星座运势,好运有你呢。不必担心失败,前方有光明。无论巨蟹还是天秤。好运都将会降临。Verse 3:。双子座啊,这个月要小心。可能会有些小挫折。但是别担心,你会渡过难关。朋友间的关系会更加亲密。Chorus:。十二星座运势,好运有你呢。不必担心失败,前方有光明。无论双鱼还是狮子。好运都将会降临。Verse 4:。巨蟹座啊,家庭是你的重心。但是也要注意自己的事情。恋爱运势不错哦。可以试试看新的约会方式。Chorus:。十二星座运势,好运有你呢。不必担心失败,前方有光明。无论白羊还是天蝎。好运都将会降临。Verse 5:。狮子座啊,这个月要自信。工作上会有一些好机会。而恋爱运势也是不错。只要你敢于表现自己。Chorus:。十二星座运势,好运有你呢。不必担心失败,前方有光明。无论金牛还是双子。好运都将会降临。Verse 6:。座啊,注意身体健康。好好照顾自己的身体。而恋爱运势也会有所提升。重要的是要把握机会。Chorus:。十二星座运势,好运有你呢。不必担心失败,前方有光明。无论水瓶还是巨蟹。好运都将会降临。Verse 7:。天秤座啊,这个月。


Verse 1:。水瓶座让人眼前一亮,新年愿望要有行动。白羊座勇往直前,出门有车随时待命。Chorus:。十二星座新年运势,好运降临抱紧走。愿你的心愿变成现实,春风得意过新年。Verse 2:。天秤座顾全大局,口才吸粉无人能敌。巨蟹座情感细腻,自由自在享受快乐。Chorus:。十二星座新年运势,好运降临抱紧走。愿你的心愿变成现实,春风得意过新年。Verse 3:。双鱼座创造良机,努力追求自己的梦。狮子座自信充满,引领潮流受人尊敬。Chorus:。十二星座新年运势,好运降临抱紧走。愿你的心愿变成现实,春风得意过新年。Verse 4:。座要做好安排,时间有限计划要多。射手座勇往直前,冒险创造美好未来。Chorus:。十二星座新年运势,好运降临抱紧走。愿你的心愿变成现实,春风得意过新年。Outro:。万物复苏这么美好,时光跨年再启程。十二星座新年运势,愿你好运随时降临。


Verse 1:。水瓶座运势盼望开,尝试新事物就能升。双鱼座情感宜缓慢,心灵艺术乐无边。Chorus:。星座之歌响起,同道星座相伴。十二生肖灵动,吉凶荣枯印。Verse 2:。白羊座进退不怯懦,运动竞技好胜心高。金牛座愉悦稳健有余,美食音乐自在享。Chorus:。星座之歌响起,同道星座相伴。十二生肖灵动,吉凶荣枯印。Verse 3:。双子座言语爱变幻,好奇心旺思维敏。巨蟹座情感敏感婉转,家庭事业皆有成。Chorus:。星座之歌响起,同道星座相伴。十二生肖灵动,吉凶荣枯印。Verse 4:。狮子座充满自信力,热爱表现享人生。座细节爱追求,精神追求有突破。Chorus:。星座之歌响起,同道星座相伴。十二生肖灵动,吉凶荣枯印。Verse 5:。天秤座公正协调能,社交生活充满趣。天蝎座感性深沉性,人生履历不同凡。Chorus:。星座之歌响起,同道星座相伴。十二生肖灵动,吉凶荣枯印。Verse 6:。射手座强烈追求自由,爱好旅行放浪形骸。摩羯座耐心坚韧毅力,成功路上驰骋无碍。Chorus:。星座之歌响起,同道星座相伴。十二生肖灵动,吉凶荣枯印。Outro:。星座之歌唱毕,运势塑造人生。十二生肖乘风破浪,同舟共济天下广。
