One of the most common contexts in which the word risked is used is in relation to financial investments. Every day, millions of people around the world make decisions about how to invest their money, with the hope of earning a return on their investment. This often involves taking calculated risks, such as investing in a promising new startup or buying stocks in a company that is poised for growth.。
Beyond financial investments, there are many other areas of life in which taking risks can be beneficial. For example, people who are willing to take risks in their careers may be more likely to achieve success and fulfill their potential. This could involve taking on a challenging new project, starting a new business, or even changing careers entirely.。
At the same time, taking risks can also have negative consequences. For example, individuals who engage in risky behaviors like excessive drinking or drug use may suffer long-term health consequences or legal trouble. Similarly, people who take unnecessary risks in their personal lives may damage their relationships or put themselves in physical danger.。
1. He risked his life to save the child from drowning. (他冒着生命危险去救那个溺水的孩子。)。)。)。)。5. He risked being late to help his friend who was stranded on the side of the road. (他冒着迟到的风险去帮助在路边被困的朋友。)。6. The company risked a lot of money on a new product line, but it turned out to be a huge success. (公司冒着巨大的风险投入大量资金开发新产品线,但最终取得了巨大的成功。)。