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时间:2023-10-16 10:55:24 作者:饕餮少女 来源:网友投稿


"Qiao" is a Chinese character that is pronounced with a rising tone, which is the first tone. This tone is characterized by a high pitch that rises steadily from the beginning of the syllable to its apex. Mandarin Chinese has four tones in total, and each tone has a distinct pitch contour that can change the meaning of a word.。

In the case of "qiao," the first tone is the only tone used to pronounce the character. However, there are different variations of the character "qiao," which can result in different meanings depending on the context.。

For example, the character "桥" (qiáo) means "bridge" and has the same pronunciation as "qiao" in the first tone. Similarly, the character "巧" (qiǎo) means "skillful" or "clever" and has the same initial sound but is pronounced with a second tone rising to the second pitch.。

Other variations of "qiao" include "翘" (qiào) meaning "upturned," "蕉" (jiāo) meaning "banana," and "悄" (qiǎo) meaning "quiet." Each of these characters has a different pitch contour, so the tonal inflection changes, giving each character a unique meaning.。

Pronouncing "qiao" with the first tone in Mandarin is essential to correctly convey its intended meaning. As such, it is important to understand how to pronounce this tone correctly to communicate effectively in Mandarin.。

For some learners of Mandarin, mastering the first tone can be challenging. This is especially true for individuals who do not have a natural musical ear, as the first tone requires careful attention to pitch.。

In conclusion, while "qiao" may seem like a character in Mandarin, it has several variations that require different tonal inflections to convey the correct meaning effectively. Therefore, understanding the nuances of the first tone is critical to mastering this character and using Mandarin effectively in communication. With dedicated practice, learners can improve their proficiency and fluency in Mandarin and communicate more effectively with native speakers.。




qíao (with the fourth tone on "qiao")。


1. 侨。2. 橋。3. 瞧。4. 鞘。5. 翹。6. 悄。7. 翘。8. 桥。9. 锹。10. 巧。11. 雀。12. 撬。13. 峭。14. 跷。15. 蕎。16. 硗。17. 硚。18. 荞。19. 髜。


